Chapter Thirty-Three

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I left Eric's room when I woke up. He was still sleeping by the time I left. It hurt me to think that when he woke up he'd see that I'd be gone but I knew myself enough that I couldn't leave once we were both awake, alone in a room where we had a lot of history.

I wandered around the compound, reliving lots of memories I had here over the time I spent here. After a while I went to the cafeteria, hoping that they started serving food. This wasn't a normal time so I doubted things would be like how it used to be, before everything.

Luckily, they had started serving but it wasn't like it used to. There was far less food and didn't taste as it used to be.

After grabbing some stuff and sitting at a table, I started to eat my food in silence. When I was half-way through it I saw Sam and Rose entering the cafeteria. They quickly grabbed their food and sat next to me.

" Good morning," I said. Sam yawned loudly. " Morning," he said as he dived himself to the food. " Morning Angela," Rose said as she gave me a warm smile. I smiled back at her. " Where are Samantha and Ian?" I asked them. Sam gave me a look and Rose chuckled

. " They have been pretty occupied with themselves since last night," Rose said and Sam rolled his eyes. " Yay!" Sam mimicked Rose's voice with fake enthusiasm. Rose and I chuckled at Sam. " You know what? I am just trying to eat my food in peace and you guys are attacking me, can you please let me go in peace?" He asked.

Rose and I grinned at him but didn't say anything as he lost himself in the food. " Sometimes I wonder if he likes me or the food more," Rose whispered to me and we giggled. Just as we were, Samantha and Ian came in, holding hands.

" Hey lovebirds," I greeted them as they sat down. " Morning," they said in unison. " Ugh, just kill me," Sam grunted as he took a big bite out of his food. " Shh stupid," Samantha said and turned to me," It is time to question Angela," Samantha said with a smirk. " Ooh, just like old times," Rose chimed in.

I rolled my eyes. " Samantha," I said, " Cmon," I continued but Samantha shushed me too. " We didn't see you last night after you left the hospital wing, without informing us I might add, and during the gathering, you were nowhere to be found," Samantha said.

" Do you guys want to know where I was?" I asked them. Samantha and Rose shook their heads. " No, we already do," Rose said and I gasped. " We just asked Tris," Rose continued as she shrugged. " Oh god," I whispered as I buried my face into my hands.

" Are you guys mad?" I said, still covering my face. All of them except Sam said no. " Wait, what?" Samantha said loudly and hit Sam. " What? She's injured, she shouldn't do anything tiring let alone sex!" Sam said and I gasped. " Oh god!" I said loudly again.

" Okay, change of topic please!" I yelled. I was so embarrassed. " Why aren't you guys mad anyway? I mean, considering everything?" I asked them. " Well, I believe everyone should get to have a second chance," Rose said. I nodded that made sense.

" He became decent for me after you got shot, everything he had done since then," Samantha said and kept on eating food from Sam's plate. Sam glared at Samantha. " People makes mistakes all the time," he said and pulled his plate away from Samantha.

" I mean, you genuinely seem happier around him, even he is him," Ian said. I didn't speak for a while as Ian and Samantha went to grab some food for themselves. " So, does last night mean you two got back together?" Samantha asked me as they sat down.

I shook my head. " No," I replied. She furrowed her eyebrows. " What? Why?" She exclaimed. I shrugged. " I still haven't forgiven him," I said. " And," I started but I got interrupted by Samantha shushing me. " Oh my fucking god!" She exclaimed as she pointed towards the door.

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