Chapter Eleven

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I don't know how long the kiss lasted. But, I know that it was the best kiss I've ever had. When we split up, he started the walk towards the entrance without saying anything." Why don't you go think about what you were saying ? " he shouted. Then he turned back, smirking. " And, maybe something else too. "

Okay, right now he was just making fun of me. I took a deep breath and kicked the ground. What the hell happened? I kissed Eric. I kissed Eric. Eric kissed me. Eric kissed me. Oh my god! I fucking kissed Eric and he fucking kissed me back!

For a moment I just took deep breaths and tried to take it all in. Then I started to walk towards dinner.

When I entered, all the initiates were staring at me and whispering but I didn't care. I sat down next to my friends, but I was still in shock. So I didn't join their conversation. I just kept my eyes on the table, concerned to look around.

Would I see the sarcasm in his eyes? Or recklessness? Or anger or jealousy? Or would I see that soft warm looks that I've known now replaced by the cold and aggressive ones? Or, most terrifyingly, would I see nothing? I couldn't help but think of how we first found out I had a boyfriend. It wasn't nice.

~~ Flashback ~~

" Shhhh, " I whispered to Mike who grabbed me by my waist. " I couldn't help it, " he said while kissing my neck. " You're so irresistible. ".I blushed. We were currently hiding from the guards. We had a lovely date, and now we were trying to go back somewhere quiet, to, you know.

"Cmon, " I said while jumping out of the window and heading to stairs. " I know a great place," We giggled all the way up to the roof, where Eric took me, and the view was even more amazing now. "Woah, " said Mike. I didn't stop looking at the view, " I know right. It's beautiful. "

" Not as much as you, girlfriend, " he replied then we started kissing. Before it got too tense or anything, we got interrupted by a cough. I literally could have expected anyone standing there, but not Eric.

He seemed, a little off.

There was something different in his bright blue eyes. " I thought, " he said then moved his eyes to Mike. " You thought ...? " Mike asked, impatiently. " I thought we were supposed to study today. "He said. Then it hit my face.

" Oh my, I'm so sorry Eric! I completely forgot that. I promise we'll do it tomorrow. " I said. " But tomorrow, we have to go to Ron's birthday party! " Mike said. I took a deep breath. " How about the other day Eric? " I asked him. I saw him clenching his teeth. " You know what, don't bother. I don't think I need it anymore, " he said and turned his back.

He seemed a bit hurt. But why? Because I couldn't study with him?

~~ End of Flashback ~~

I turned to my friends who were repeatedly calling my name. "Yeah, yeah what happened? " I asked. " You seem distracted, " Samantha said. " Did you hear what Troy said ? " she continued. What Troy said? I furrowed my eyebrows. "No, but you got my attention. " I said, this time giving all my attention.

"Oh, I guess I should explain this, " Ian said. " Since he is your cousin, and you were the promising girl, and stuff, he has been telling that, you had all your life back there. But because of a ' thing', more of a threat, you had to change your faction. You actually don't belong here and stuff. " I clenched my teeth. " What thing? " I asked." It doesn't ma-- " I cut him off. " Tell me. Now. " I ordered.

I was so furious. First the Eric thing, now this. I was going to beat someone. "That, you were pregnant. With Jeanine Matthews's son. That's why she was so into you. But shortly before the ceremony you lost the baby and didn't tell anyone. That's why you changed. That's why you're always so furious and good at beating people. I mean, it's all lies. But the people here don't know it so. "He explained in a sad voice.

" I was pregnant with Keith! What? I didn't even talk to him more than twice! And, and he's older than me! What the fuck? " I stopped talking when I saw Troy looking at me. Smirking.

My blood was boiling.

I got up and walked to Troy. " I need to talk to you. " I said. "Oh, wow I'm surprised, " he said. " So now you realized family is important ? " he said then laughed. I took a deep breath. " Come.Now.I won't ask again nicely. ".He must've got the seriousness in my tone, so he nodded.

I walked up to the exit. He followed me. I knew I was about to shout, so I walked up to the exit. To the roof. Where we did shooting exercise. I couldn't go to the place where Eric made me run, otherwise, there could be chaos.


I got interrupted by his laugh.

So I punched him, a couple times. " Why don't you laugh now? " I asked, looking to bloody-faced Troy. "Look, I know, that me leaving Erudite was a big shock. The promising ones are promising for a reason. Blah blah blah. We are free to choose. I am free to choose. I was the best in Erudite, now I'm good at here. You're going to accept that, won't get in my way, and we'll both be happy. I am Dauntless, I'm saying it one more time for you to understand since you always were a thick head. I am not Erudite, I am Dauntless. And I'm not afraid to break your nose again. Or your other bones. "I said.

" Are we clear? " I asked him. He nodded. " Good. " I said. Then he started running towards the door. I was just stuck where I was standing. Everything that happened today, it was just too much for me. I sat on the edge, crawled my legs to my chest and let the tears run down my face. I couldn't help but think about what was happening back in Erudite. Maybe Jeanine was so furious, she even fired my dad.

I quickly wiped my tears when I heard clapping. " It was a pretty good show. " Eric said as he sat down next to me, dangling his feet. " Your punches were clear to stop, but it doesn't matter since it wasn't a fight, " he said. I played with my hair." What do you want Eric? I have to think, remember? " I said. He nodded. " I know. But before I leave you to thinking, I thought I should tell you that you were right. "

I raised one of my eyebrows. " I was? And you're admitting that? Did you fell from somewhere ? " I asked him. He chuckled. Eric chuckled. " You were right, Angela. You really are Dauntless. " I looked at him. " You really mean it? " I asked him. He nodded.

" Yes. You weren't of afraid leaving your faction. You weren't afraid of the rumors about you. You fought them. You weren't afraid of walking up to Troy when everyone was talking about you. You weren't afraid to face him. And certainly not afraid to punch him, " he said. I giggled to what he said. " Yeah, I guess you're right. And maybe, there's one more thing that I'm not afraid of doing. Not anymore. " I said, looking at to him directly.

Then I leaned on him, and kissed him.

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