Chapter Six

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When I woke up, I saw Tris standing next to me looking nervous. " Hey , " she said while smiling. " I'm sorry I punched you, " she added. I furrowed my eyebrows while trying to remember what happened.

" How long? " I asked. I really didn't want to miss the training. "A few hours," she answered. I nodded, it meant that it's still night. So I didn't miss anything. That's good news. " I had to stop you from hitting the guy. I didn't know you'd pass out, " she explained.

I nodded. " It's okay, I didn't know what I was doing. I was just so furious about what he said. About my old faction. " She nodded. " I understand, I experienced some rough times with others when I was an initiate too, " she said. I smiled. It was nice to know I wasn't the only one.

" I don't want you to tell this to anyone else, but Caleb talked to me. Hours ago. He wanted me to take care of you," she confessed. I looked at her shocked. " He did? " I asked in surprise. She smiled. " Yeah, you must have been a good friend to him, " she answered. I laughed. " I helped him with a lot of stuff back in there. He also helped me, "

After a nurse came and checked me she said that I could leave. Finally, I managed to look to a mirror and see if I had any scratches. Luckily, there was only one. And it would fade away within days.

We got out from the infirmary and started to walk. " I can't like, make a difference on rankings or something but I can help you improve. If you have any doubts about anything just come and talk to me, " she said. I realized that she was actually a nice person. " Thank you, the adaptation process is hard. " I said. She nodded. " It certainly is, especially the first days,"

The road led us to Pit. Even though it was late, it was still crowded. "Ugh, late night parties. " Tris explained. So, they aren't boring and always protecting like the rest of us thought.

We walked from the sides to avoid everyone to reach the stairs. After the crowd and all the noise went away, I realized we came to the dorm's door. " Just a little advice, if you want to have a shower, do it when everyone falls asleep. On mornings it's easier for them to wake up but at nights, they're too exhausted to notice anything," she said sweetly. I smiled. " Thanks, Tris, "

Then I got in. Just like she said everyone was sleeping. Sam's mouth was open and he seemed like he let himself to the bed and fell asleep immediately. I quietly laughed at him. Just as I was getting ready to bed, I realized I needed a good shower. We weren't that crowded. The beds closer to the showers were empty.

While getting undressed and opening the water, all I could think about is, how in the hell from almost thirty people I would be in that first 15. I needed to beat almost half. And I needed to think that most of the initiates are Dauntless-Borns.

I took a deep breath. I haven't noticed it but it had already been more than 5 minutes. I closed the water and got dressed. Then I wrapped the towel around my hair. When I finally lay on my bed I took a deep breath. I knew things wouldn't be easy. They never were. But I believed in myself that I could go through it.


The next morning I woke up with the same uncomfortable noise. When I sat on the bed I felt a pressure on me than I fell back to my bed. " Get off! " I said while giggling. Sam and Samantha jumped on me and they were hugging me. " We were worried, " Rose said. " She hit you hard, " Ian said. I shrugged. " Yeah, I guess I'm fine now, but I'll be better when these two yellow heads will be off of me. " They got up laughing and I joined them.

At breakfast I didn't know how hungry I was, so we stayed there longer than other people. Because of that when we entered the training room, everyone was standing in front of a screen. We waited until they got away to see what was on it. I immediately searched for my name.

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