Chapter Thirty

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We were brought to Erudite headquarters. I saw a glimpse of Samantha, Tris, and Four when we were getting off the car. We were brought to a lab while they were being brought up, possibly to Jeanine's office.

I tried to think, to form a plan to get out of this place, with everyone. They made us all sit on the lab. Then Eric entered the lab. " Inject them with the serum," he said coldly. He walked towards me and grabbed my arm.

" You're coming with me," he whispered and pulled me. I looked at Sam, Rose, and Ian. They were watching Eric pulling me away with angry looks. I was embarrassed. The way my friends looked at me, it just broke my heart.

I was determined not to talk with Eric. I didn't know where he was taking me, I just wanted to with my friends and far, far away from him.

He finally brought me to a cell. There were plenty of cells next to each other. The doors were glass so I could see inside. I spotted Samantha, hitting the glass. I escaped from Eric's grip and ran to her cell. " Samantha, Samantha, I am so sorry, I am so so sorry," I kept on saying.

I didn't know what she was feeling, she just looked angry. She wasn't speaking. I felt Eric's hands grabbing me and pulling me aside. I tried to fight it but it didn't work. Since I wasn't talking to him, I didn't know why he'd brought me here.

Certainly not out of the goodness of his heart so that I could see Samantha.

Eric pulled me inside a cell. He uncuffed me and closed the door. " You son of a bitch! You betrayed me!" I shouted at him. He turned his back to me and didn't say anything. New tears formed in my eyes and I let them go. I didn't want to hold it in anymore.

Samantha was at the cell across mine, so I could see her.

After I had calmed down I realized Tris and Four were at the cells too. Tris was on Samantha's left and Four was on her right. " Guys, guys, I am so sorry," I started to speak. " I had no idea, I didn't think he would do this, please, believe me, putting you in this position was the last thing I wanted," I said.

Four shook his head and turned around. He walked and got out of my eyesight. Tris just looked at me with a sad smile. And Samantha, she was the worst. " Save it," she said and turned around. I didn't think of any other moment than this that I wanted to die more.

Seeing that I broke all of my friends' trust and being betrayed by the man I loved was too much. I pulled my knees to my face and covered them with my arms. The tears had started rolling.

We were now prisoners. Samantha, Tris, and Four were probably going to be used for experiments or be killed, Sam, Rose, and Ian would be turned into zombies. I didn't want to think about what would happen to me.

All I wanted was to cry until I died. The heartbreak and the regret I was feeling was too much. I couldn't understand how and why Eric would this to me. I wasn't able to wrap my mind around it. I was just thinking of the events since last night over and over in my head.

His cold eyes, Sam's shouts, it was too much. I had destroyed everything. I trusted the wrong person and it had become my destruction. Maybe if I never transferred out, they wouldn't be in this situation. If I never came into their lives, maybe they'd be free right now.

I cried myself to sleep. I woke up with the sound of the door being opened. I saw Eric coming in with food when I opened my eyes. I turned my gaze away from him as he walked near me and put the tray in front of me. " You should eat," he said in his cold tone.

I didn't answer and stared at the wall. " Angela," he breathed out. I turned to him. I didn't say anything but I didn't have to, my looks must've told everything I wanted to say. " I was kicked out of being a leader, I really was," he said as he sat next to me.

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