Chapter Thirty-Nine

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For the rest of the day, I hung out with my friends. I caught up to Ian, Rose and the twins. Then I found Troy, Melanie, and Katy. Katy was doing better and I was glad to see that she was alive. Melanie and Katy lived together, before the attack and I learned that Troy and Katy moved in together after she woke up. Also, Melanie's girlfriend was moving in with her as well.

Since Ian told me that he proposed to Samantha he was moving to her apartment. I didn't know when the wedding would happen but they were affianced and just like Rose and Sam they practically lived together already.

After that, I bumped into Zeke, Uriah, Shauna, and Marlene. They all seemed better after Lynn's death, well, as good as they could be. Uriah was still cracking some jokes but it was obvious it affected him as well.

As far as I knew, Lynn and Marlene were very close and Uriah was Marlene's boyfriend so that meant he had to spend time with them even before that they were all Dauntless born which they knew each other since they were little.

By the time I was finished talking to them it was dinner time already. I made my way over there, hoping Tris and Four were there. Rose told me that even though they were leaders now they'd still sit with the rest of the faction and with the initiates at the moment because that's what the trainers did.

Luckily they were when I reached the cafeteria and it seemed like Tris saved a seat for me beside her. I quickly took my food and made my way over there. "Hey," I greeted them as I sat down. "How was the first day?" I asked them. Four shrugged. "Just like any first day," he said.

" Who was the first jumper?" I asked them, I wanted to know so we could make fun of Sam with it. Tris smiled. " Not surprisingly, it was your sister," Tris said and I gasped. "Oh my, look at that little devil!" I exclaimed.

Then I spotted her sitting left of me, talking with the people around her. As soon as she saw me I gave her a wink and she smiled back. "So, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" I asked Tris. She looked at Four then turned to me.

"As you know, you don't have a job right now because we've taken out the position. Joshua, Kara, and Phillip have all transferred to other departments. Right now we have openings in the control center, the guard, the police force. I've also heard from Tori that some businesses like the tattoo shop and other shops are looking for new people, although I don't think you'd want to work there," Tris said. I nodded, she was right.

" Okay, so my options are control center, guard or the police?" I asked them. The couple shared another look. "Not exactly," Four said. " We were thinking of something tiny bit else," he added. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Angela, how much of world history do you remember?" Four asked me. I shrugged. "Pretty much," I answered.

He sighed. "Great, do you remember how most countries were ruled before everything?" He asked me again. "Yeah, uhm, there was a president, usually vice president or prime minister, y a parliament," I said and he nodded. "Exactly, the prime minister what's his job?" he asked.

"A prime minister is the head of a cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system, basically he looks over all the branches of a state, is the second most superior position in the state, just beneath the president,"

Four smiled. " Yes, and we were thinking the other day, Tris, Eric and I, and we thought that if we have a position like that if another attack happens or something even remotely close to it there'd be someone close enough to stop it. Also, it would help the transparency we are planning within the ranks of the faction. There'd be someone else to look over at everything, the departments and another perspective on everything. I know for a fact that without you on our side we could have never won against Janine, and all the things you've accomplished means you are someone we could really use on reshaping Dauntless from the scratch. You were in Erudite, for like a week maybe and you've upgraded the Aptitude Test, basically lead a corrupted and broken faction. You've got the skills and we'd like not to waste an opportunity such as yourself,"

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