Chapter Fifteen

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Eric had found a building that had two floors and a little basement. Since the obvious choice to hide would seem like the basement, we went upstairs. Eric put two in the basement and two in the lobby, looking like as if they were guarding the basement. And if anything happened, we'd shoot them.

Yes, we were on the second floor, all by ourselves, in a dark room. For some reason, as I watched Eric, I thought of what Melanie said, about some people stopping the game and, making out.

Eric was leaning next to the window, looking out for the other team, meanwhile, I was just sitting next to the flag. After a thirty-minute silence, he broke it. "You know, you are very stubborn," Eric said while looking out.

I sighed. "Yes, not the first time I am hearing that. Which one of my recent actions made you say that?" I asked sarcastically, staring at his back. He shrugged faintly. "Lately, all of them," he answered. I groaned in disbelief and got up. "Not exactly detailing Eric," I said. He turned to me, a little, and smirked. "Checkmate then, huh?" he said. I smiled at him.

I was confused. The whole thing had me confused. Eric kept changing his behavior towards me. I couldn't keep up with it. One time he was nice to me and the next time he was this cold person who acted as he hated me. I groaned again, loudly, and it made him completely turn to me.

"What?" he huffed. " I just don't understand, Eric. The whole thing." I said calmly. He moved his left eyebrow up, asking me to explain. "When we first met, you didn't like me. You were always trying to pick fights with me and anger me. Then something changed and you actually became nice. That lasted until your Ceremony, where you distanced yourself from me. For 3 years, we had no contact, then in the experiment, you hugged me back. Then you beat up Jackson for just talking to me. The day of my Ceremony, the way you helped me in throwing knives, the way you watched me fight, the day in the Amity headquarters, the times you kissed me, the time I believe you made me fight with my friend, Ian, for what being close friends? The way you punished me. It's all like a Ferris wheel. Sometimes you're nice like you're on the top of that Ferris wheel, then you are mean like you're on the bottom of the wheel. I just can't keep up with it, Eric. I don't understand, anything." I said, looking directly into his cold eyes, that turned soft by the time I finished my sentence. " Just help me understand," I whispered.

Eric sighed. " You confessed something to me, earlier. That you aren't afraid of me, the way I act, and the fact that you aren't, terrifies you. Because you want to be. You had always pictured yourself as this great sweet girl from Erudite, with the highest IQ, to probably become the new leader of Erudite. But you knew, deep down, you never wanted that. You wanted to be free, daring. That's why in Erudite you were always in the spotlight because you took risks. That's what makes you Dauntless. However, for your whole life, you were so adapted to the profile that has been created for you that, now, when you're becoming you, you are afraid. Because it is unknown territory for you. You can breathe now Angela, here, you get to be more you than you ever were back in Erudite. You're free to be who you want to be. You don't get all of this, and that's why you get frustrated. Because you didn't even get to know the real you like I have. And keep swapping your identities puts you in this position. So, I am asking you, Angela Anderson, who are you?" Eric asked.

I was speechless. As I thought of every word he said, it made sense, it really did. Back in Erudite, I always tried to please my parents, but here, I was free. Like he said. I could do anything I wanted to do. Hell, I could even kiss Eric right now, if I wanted to.

So I did.

" I choose to be me," I said, then I pushed Eric to the wall and leaned on him. I was kissing him with such a hunger like he knew the real me and I was transforming into the real me by kissing him. He kissed me back, with the same hunger as I did. I couldn't quite put my finger on what he got out of me, but, hey, I wasn't complaining.

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