Chapter Four

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Things went pretty well until I saw someone starting to run by the train and jumping in it. Okay, I said to myself. If you can't do it, you'll only die. With that thought on my mind, I started to run. Luckily the door I was near was opened by someone else who jumped in before me. First I grabbed the iron and ran with it for a second. Then I put my other hand on the floor. I jumped and threw myself on the train. I took a deep breath when I was in.

I stood up and look around. It seems like I was one of the first ones. As the middle part starts getting crowded, I went and sat on the corner on the train.

After a few minutes, I saw a girl who was wearing yellow and red clothes coming towards me. A girl.An Amity.An Amity girl in Dauntless. " Hi, " she said sweetly. " Would you mind if I sit? " she added. I pointed ground with my eyes. She smiled and sat. " I'm Rose, " she said then reached out her hand. I shook hands with her. " Angela," I mumbled.

Before I could ask how come she chose Dauntless someone asked before me. " So an Amity on her way to Dauntless? " A blonde guy sat next to us as he looked at Rose. " Pretty unexpected. " Than a blonde girl said after she sat next to him. Both looked very much alike and wearing black-white clothes. Candor.

" I'm sorry, how unkind of us, I'm Samantha and that's Sam. " She introduced themselves. We smiled and said our names. For the whole ride, we talked and got to know each other as much as we could. We really got along. We learned that Sam and Samantha are twins.

" Oh my god, " Sam said. " They are jumping!" he exclaimed. We all stood up and looked out from the window." At the same time? "Samantha winked at Sam.Sam giggles and they both jumped. I looked at Rose. " Cmon, " I said encouragingly and we jumped together. My jump was better than Rose's. She completely fell on the ground. I managed to fall on my knees. I helped her get up and we walked to where the twins were standing.

After everyone jumped, I noticed Eric, standing on the short wall. With Caleb's sister and another guy in front of him. They all looked at us. When Eric saw me, he smirked sarcastically. Then he jumped in front of us. " If you want to get in, jump. "he said as if he was saying the simplest thing in the world.

Even the Dauntless-Born's seemed to be confused. They didn't know here too. " Is there water in the bottom? ".Someone asked. When I turned, I noticed it was a guy from Erudite. Eric looked at him. " I guess you have to jump to find out. So, who wants to be first? ".He asked while rubbing his hands. None of us said anything.

But I kept staring at Eric. When he finally looked at me, he pointed the wall with his eyes. " Watch me losers, " I heard Sam whispering and walking. " I'll do it, " he says to Eric and others. Then he gets on the wall. " Yes, baby! " He shouted as he jumped.

I saw Eric and the others rolling their eyes, " Dumbass " Samantha whispered to us. "Now watch me," she added then she moved towards the wall and jumped without hesitating. She was laughing while she was falling.

After a few other people, I finally decided to jump. I looked at Rose. "I'm doing it. ".She nodded and looked at the hole with a shocked look on her face. I smiled at her and walked through the wall after a Dauntless-born jumped.

Eric smiled sarcastically again, and I got annoyed by his face so I jumped to get rid of him. I didn't scream but I was so terrified until I touched something. It was a net. A guy held the rope and put me down. " What's your name? "He asked me. I took a deep breath and digested what just happened. " Angela, " I said sternly. He nods. " Welcome to Dauntless, Angela ".


I walked over to Sam and Samantha. We waited for a few others to come, but Rose still hadn't jumped. " Where's she? " Samantha asked. " I don't know, she seemed pretty scared up there," I said. Then we heard her screaming. After she said her name she came near us she quickly hugged me. " It's okay. " I said.

It will be a little bit hard for her to fit in Dauntless. But I couldn't blame her. A direct change from Amity to Dauntless. She even must be exhausted by not having the serum. She took it for her all life than she suddenly stopped, it would be hard for her. But I could feel we were going to be friends and I would be there for support.

We followed a girl and a boy through the halls. " This place is called the Pit. " The girl said when we reached a clearing. I realized that's the girl was Caleb's sister when there was appropriate light in the room. They must have come down when Rose jumped.

Then the boy spoke. " Dauntless-Borns go with Jackson. " I realized Jackson was there as well. He had some scratches on his face. He seemed pretty good and on top of his feet considering what he went through a couple of days ago.

" My name is Tris, and this is Four. We will be your trainers during your initiation. " Tris said. I got confused at her name since Caleb called her 'Beatrice' on the experiment day. " I don't want to hear anything about my name, " Four warned us and looked directly to Sam and Samantha. Tris giggled. It was like she remembered something. No one but them understood what happened but we didn't say a thing. More like we didn't dare.

" Two steps of training," Four said. " In both, you push limits, "Tris added. " First is physical, you learn to fight. Not gonna be easy. The second step is mental. You face your fears. Not gonna be easier than the first one, "

Tris giggled softly when Four stopped than they turned around and started to walk. Four made a hand gesture and to tell us to follow them. We walked through the Pit and reached the stairs. After taking the stairs and walking for a few minutes we get down to some kind of dorm room. " This is where you'll be sleeping for the next 9 weeks. ".Tris said.

I can't believe this. Common toilets and showers. " Is this girls or boys ? " the same Erudite boy asked. I tried to remember his name but I couldn't." Both, " Tris answered. All of the girls immediately reacted while the boys cheered.

I watch Tris and Four leave until I hear Samantha. "Angela come here! " I look to where she's pointing and see Rose, Sam and Samantha together sitting on beds. " This one's yours. " Sam said. Sam and Samantha took the ones next to each other. I and Rose did the same. I took the clothes that were left on the beds and started to wear them. Everyone seemed to wear their new clothes so I quickly changed. While I and Rose waited for twins to get ready we watched their small fight.

I turned around to see who was next to my bed and see that its that Erudite boy. He seemed to have no friends so far because he was sitting alone. Then he recognized me. " Angela Anderson ? " he asked. I nodded. I really liked my reputation back in Erudite but I didn't know it'd pass here too. " I have to say, I was so shocked when I saw you change, "he quickly said.I couldn't blame him, I was too.

" Even though my result was Dauntless, I was gonna choose Eruditely but then I saw you, I decided to do the best and trust my result, " he said. I didn't know how to respond so I nodded and smiled. At least someone was happy because of my decision. " I'm Ian by the way. "he said. Then I introduced Ian to Sam, Samantha, and Rose. "Yes, " Sam shouted. " I was afraid I had to spend 9 weeks with 3 girls! " We all laughed but hit him softly.

While I was laughing, I realized, in the few hours here I spent I was more comfortable and felt freer than my whole life.

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