Chapter Thirty-Two

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Tris, luckily, didn't say anything to me as she took me away. Soon, Four greeted us. " Hey," he said nervously as he eyed me and then Tris. " Did he agree to talk?" he asked me. I took a deep breath. " Yeah, I think he'll talk now," I said. He nodded.

" Tris," I said as I turned to her, " I feel very tired, can you take me somewhere I can sleep? " I asked her. She nodded. " Sure," she said then turned to Four. " I'll find you afterward," she said to him. Four nodded. " Take care Angela and thank you for your help," he said. I nodded.

Tris brought me to the first room I woke up in. " It's one of the only places left where no one is going to disturb you," she said. " Thank you," I whispered as I slowly got up from the chair and laid on the couch. Tris left quickly and I was left alone, with my thoughts running in my mind.

Everything Eric had said replayed on my mind.

I wanted to believe that he was telling the truth. I wanted to run to him and don't look back. I couldn't. I didn't trust him, even if I loved him. I never thought Eric would ever be capable of saying ' I love you ' but he had done more than that and I couldn't comprehend it.

My heart wanted to believe him, accept his love. But my mind was saying otherwise. The only thing I was completely sure of was that it hurt. Seeing him and being away from him hurt. Him saying he loved me and him never saying it hurt. Loving him hurt.

When I woke up, I still felt like shit. I could feel my body was getting better, but mentally I was a wreck. I got up from the couch and walked towards the wheelchair. I stood next to it, looking at it. I felt a lot better and didn't want to spend another day sitting. I huffed as I pushed it aside and walked towards the door.

I learned the ways for most places. I knew how to get to the cafeteria, the toilet, and the cells. After getting inside the cafeteria, I quickly spotted my friends. Rose was sitting next to Sam, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and Rose was resting her head on his shoulder. Across them, Samantha and Ian were sitting. Ian had wrapped his arm around Samantha's waist.

I couldn't help but getting a heavy ache on my heart and feeling a little bit jealous. I was happy that my friends had found happiness but I wanted that and I couldn't have it with the person I loved.

They spotted me and waved their hands. I sent them a faint smiled as I walked towards them. " Hey, where's the chair?" Sam asked me when I was sitting down. I shrugged. " Don't need it anymore," I said and reached for the toast on the table.

" You sure?" Ian asked me. I rolled my eyes. " I can kick your ass if you want proof," I said. Rose and Samantha chuckled. " She's back," they said in unison. " So, I am back, tell me the details of the plan, what's going on completely?," I asked them as I ate the toast.

" Alright, so Eric apparently decided to talk, Four and Tris spent last night getting information from him. Also, the Dauntless people you saw that day, most of them came back, with more people on their side. Lots of people disagree with Jeanine and Max's visions and most just want revenge on being used as puppets," Ian explained to me. I nodded.

" How many people are there so far?" I asked them. " Roughly three hundred now," Sam said. " Tris and Four also want them to go through the truth serum, so no one can double-cross us, or Jeanine can't place spies, they've been very busy," Rose said.

" We've mostly been helping them however we could," Rose continued. I nodded. " Cool, it's great that we had some improvements," I said. Then it hit me, ever since I woke up, I hadn't seen Caleb.

" Guys, where is Caleb?" I asked them. I felt them tightening around as if I've asked them a sensitive point. " Uhm," Ian said, " You see because you were shot and bleeding to death and unconscious, the guys weren't able to get everyone out," Ian mumbled.

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