Chapter Twenty-Seven

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We spent the next half an hour arguing on what to do. " Caleb has gone to solve the problem until he does, we must lay low," Four said. " There's no guarantee that he will, we need to save as many people as we can," Samantha said back.

" I agree with Four, we need to lay low, we must protect ourselves before we try to save anyone else," Sam said which earned an angry glare from his twin. " But how do we honor our duties if we don't protect people? It's our job," Rose said loudly.

We were Dauntless, we were supposed to be the protection of the city, and it involved everyone inside the city.

I sighed not knowing what to say. " I think we should put it in a vote," Ian mumbled. " Good, great idea, who wants to hide and cry like babies?" Samantha shouted. Four, Tris and Sam raised their hands.

" Who wants to help people?" Samantha asked the rest. She, Rose and Ian raised their hands. " It's a tie," Four said. Then they all turned to me. " Angela, you're the deciding vote," Tris said. I gulped.

I didn't like the pressure that was on my shoulders. I was trying to think of the most logical thing to do even it might make some of my friends sad. I took a deep breath. " I think we should lay low," I started and Samantha sighed loudly.

" But just for a little while, until Caleb can get on his position, also we know for a fact that they're looking for us now, we'd just be dangering all the places and people we'd be going," I continued.

" I for one know that I don't want to endanger innocent people just by being there, we can gather supplies or other things and when we're ready, we can come back and end this," I finished. Four got up. " Then it's decided," he said as he bent over and grabbed his gun.

" Where are we going then?" Ian asked. " Nowhere," Four said calmly but none of us were calm as soon as he said it.

We were in the car, driving to the fence. " We can't trust a faction nor can we risk the lives there, the safest place for us is outside, the forest, where our society doesn't live" Four explained once again. " But we have a stop first, we need some equipment," he said as he drove to Amity headquarters.

It was still early in the morning, I doubted anyone was awake. After he stopped the car he turned to us. " Tris and I will go in, we know where the storage is, you stay here and guard. If things get too intense leave," Four ordered us then he and Tris got down from the car and they started running.

" This is crazy," Samantha said. " I know," I replied. She rolled her eyes at me. " I am not talking to you," she said to me. Her words hurt me. " Samantha," Sam said warningly. " What? I am not talking to you either," Samantha said to her twin. " Fine, your decision," Sam said under his breath.

Luckily it didn't take them long to come back and we were on our way shortly. " There will be guards, there always is," Four said as he gave us guns and other weapons. " How did you find these?" Rose asked them.

" Some of them were ours before we turned them in, the others are from the storage," Tris answered. Then we got back on the road. We drove for a while before we stopped, in the middle of nowhere.

We got down from the car and Four gave us all tasks. Sam and I were on duty to find some things to burn, so we wouldn't freeze to death. Samantha, Rose, and Ian were supposed to find food. However, they could at this point.

It had been a while since we were collecting little tree branches and leaves. " Thanks for agreeing with us," Sam said. I took a deep breath. " Yeah, no problem," I said back. " But why are you so demanding on staying out of trouble?" I asked him. He didn't answer for a while.

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