Chapter Thirty-Four

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I woke up inside Eric's arms.

It was the most peaceful I had been for a long time now. Apparently, we left the window open last night and I was kind of freezing. I shivered unintentionally and tried to grab the blanket. I didn't want to move a lot since Eric was still sleeping and I didn't want him to wake up.

After a few attempts, I successfully put the blanket over us, feeling the heat. Smiling with the victory, I put my head to Eric's neck's crook and took a deep breath. I felt at peace. If I had the option to not leave and spend the rest of my breaths here, cuddled like this, I would take it in a heartbeat.

It was a while before Eric woke up. " Morning," he said grumpily. I chuckled and said, " Good morning," back to him. " How long have you been up?" he asked me, his voice still raspy. I softly shrugged. " For a while, you look cute when you sleep," I said with a smirk.

He furrowed his eyebrows. " You take that back," he said jokingly and we chuckled. " Only you would object to being called 'cute'," I said as I threw the blanket which I so worked to put on and sat up. " Well, it's one of my many talents," Eric said as he sat up next to me.

His hand grabbed my waist and pulled me closer for a kiss. " Mhm, do those talents include being a great kisser?" I asked him playfully. I felt him smiling. " Why don't I just show it to you?" he whispered and deepened the kiss. I didn't reject it and we found ourselves back in the bed.

It was only lunchtime when Eric and I managed to get out of my room. " I need to find Four and Tris," Eric said. I nodded. " Alright, I think I'll head to the cafeteria and grab some food," I replied.

We exchanged a quick kiss before parting our ways. I walked into the cafeteria, expecting it to be empty but it was the opposite. It was just like it used to be. People were scattered around the room, eating, drinking and laughing. It was loud. It was alive, just like it used to be.

" Hey, Angela!" I heard someone shouting at me. I quickly spotted the source. It was Uriah, he was standing up and waving at me. Zeke, Shauna, Marlene, and Lynn were sitting with them. " Come join us," he shouted and I found myself walking towards them. " You'll never guess what happened!" Uriah exclaimed loudly.

Before I had the chance to react he grabbed a plate and pushed it to my face. " It's chocolate cake!" He shouted. " He just loves his chocolate cake," Shauna said between her chuckles. I joined her and sat at their table.

" I figured it out, let's just serve everyone this amazing cake and no one would bother fighting anymore because they'll just be eating this magnificent taste until they died," Uriah said and everyone burst into laughter. " Yeah, I think it could be an understatement," Zeke said.

Uriah rolled his eyes at him but continued to eat his cake. " So, what's up?" I asked to the table, not expecting a specific answer from anyone. " Uh, good, we finished our work this morning," Zeke said. " Wait, what? Without me?" I asked him in disbelief.

" Yeah, you didn't show up and we didn't want to interrupt you," Uriah said with a wink. I rolled my eyes with a loud sigh. First my friends and now the new friends I had. " Great, thanks for that," I said sarcastically. The girls shared a giggle. " It's okay, we helped them," Marlene said.

I smiled at her. They really seemed sweet. " Alright, Angela, there's something we have been dying to know," Lynn said with a smirk. I took a deep breath, it was really no different than sitting with my friends. " Fire away," I said with fake enthusiasm.

" Is he really good in bed as he looks like?" Shauna asked me. I bit my lip in shock. " Oh, god, no!" Uriah and Zeke shouted at the same time. " Is he like rough or gentle? Were you able to walk the next day after you first did it?" Marlene asked. " Oh my god, I am leaving," Zeke said and he and Uriah got up, putting their hands over their ears and shouting 'no' and making grossed faces.

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