Chapter Seven

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After minutes, I finally managed myself to focus on the knives. However, my body only wanted to feel his presence. I took a deep breath. It was nothing, it's supposed to be nothing. I threw knives until Sam and Samantha came near me.

" Eruditeee, " Samantha said. " This jerk right here needs to hear that Rose won't be mad at him. Say something logical," she said. I rolled my eyes to what she said. "Sam, " I started but I got interrupted by shouting. " Angela and Daisy, to the ring! "I looked at the twins then walked towards the ring. While that, a girl had already stepped on the ring. I tried to remember where her name was. Daisy, 27th.I mentally smiled.

While we were getting our defensive positions, I realized Tris came in instead of Four. She smiled at me. I returned her smile and turned to Daisy. She first tried to punch me but it was easy to escape. So I stepped to left and punched her back. She worked to stay on her balance. When she turned to me, to hit me, I got down on my knees and punched her breast.

When Eric chose Dauntless, I was so curious about how people fought and made the moves so I actually read a few books on it.

She turned around and held her breast. Then I had the chance to look around and saw almost everyone was watching us, even I could swear that I saw something close to a smile on Eric's face. Daisy tried to kick me, but I held her feet and turned it and made her fall. I got on my knees to punch her but she kicked me. It was a powerful kick so I fell. She got up and tried to punch me. I was fast so I rolled on the floor and got up.

It's time to make things a bit nasty.

I walked to her and grabbed her hair. I threw her head to the ground and sat on top of her. I punched her until I heard Tris's voice. " Enough, " I got up. My hands were all bloody. I heard Daisy murmuring. I looked to her than extended my hand. She first looked at me than my hand and grabbed it. I smiled and helped her get up.

When we got off the ring, Tris and Eric were standing there looking at us. " Go and wash your face, " Tris said. Daisy left then I was left alone in there in front of them." Very good, Initiate. " Eric said almost with a pinch of pride in his tone. After that, I walked towards the twins and Ian. " I didn't know you had the moves! " Ian cheered. I laughed. " Yeah, well, I actually learned it all from books, believe it or not,"

" Then maybe you should have stayed and kept reading books," someone said behind me. Eric. I took a deep breath and turned around. He was standing in front of me, with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. " And maybe you should be careful about who to mess with, " I shot back as I crossed my arms just like him and gave a challenging look.

I could see the shocked expressions on my friend's faces from the corner of my eye. Eric and I usually ended up with fighting, back in Erudite. None of us liked to lose an argument or anything so our fights were very stressful. "Yeah, why is that ? " he asked me with a sarcastic voice. I stood still, not backing down. " You should learn from your past, clearly you didn't. Like I would have expected from you,"

~~ Flashback ~~

It was the third lesson since I started to tutor Eric. Of course, he wasn't doing anything to improve himself or even try to understand. " I don't understand why we need to learn this useless stuff," he said. I rolled my eyes. " No information is useless Eric,"

He took a deep breath. "Anyway, I don't care. I won't have to deal with it in the future because I will-- " I interrupted him." You can't, " I shot him down. I could never think to live in another faction.

" If you can't solve these problems, you have to take a look at the old ones. You should learn from them. Clearly, you haven't. If you just did some studying on your own, then you'd see that you are capable of doing these," I said. He nodded and turned the pages.

Even though I was 3 years younger than him, I knew what he was learning. I knew it already. " Maybe you should keep reading those boring books and leave me alone," he whispered angrily. I furrowed my eyebrows then I got up, angrily and started to collect my books. "Fine, then you'll be the one who'll explain why will I leave in a second, angrily to your parents who expect success from you Eric. Good luck. " I exclaimed then walked to the door. "Wait, stop, " he pleaded. I stopped and turned to him while opening the door. " I'm sorry, can we continue? "he asked. I nodded. " Checkmate Eric, "

~~ End of Flashback ~~

" Do you ? " he asked in a rough tone. " Do you realize that you are talking to your leader and that he could kick you out anytime? You are the one who should be careful about who to mess with, Initiate, " he spat.

I froze, could he throw me out? I wasn't a stranger to him, was I? Of course, he could throw me out if he wanted to. I gulped as all of my confidence drained. " Now go back to your training, all of you," he ordered.

Before I turned around and walked away, I looked at him in the eyes. " Checkmate, " he whispered. It was our secret code. At first, we used it to stop our fights but after a while whenever something happened that there was a clear winner we just said that. I was surprised he still remembered it.

I turned back to my friends. "Anyway, " I said trying to change the subject. " I think you wanted me to tell someone some clever stuff? " I asked Samantha. They giggled. "Yeah, " she said " It'd be good, "

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