Chapter Three

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"Angela? "A woman from Abnegation softly asked me. I nodded then she pointed to the chair "Come, sit here, "she said.I realized I was standing in front of the door, looking at myself in the mirror. I walked to the chair, while she stood next to a screen and I looked at her. She gave me a glass. " Drink this. ".I drank it quickly, trying to avoid the taste. I didn't know what the taste of it was, but from the look of it, I could tell it wasn't nice. I didn't even have the chance to cringe from the taste because the simulation started immediately.

I was in the lab, in the experiment day, watching Eric beat Jackson. Before I knew what I was doing I run to the two men and punched Eric with all of my power to get his attention. When he looked at me with his angry look, I punched him again. Suddenly, before I could comprehend what was happening, the lab disappeared and I was in our living room. My parents were sitting and I was standing in front of them. "Aaron, can you believe our daughter was chosen to be the new Erudite leader? ".My dad exclaimed happily as he looked at my mom. I furrowed my brows. I was the leader Erudite, but did I really wanted that?. " No ! ". " I don't want it! " I screamed then ran to the door. I stepped outside and found myself in a room full of mirrors.

Two bowls were placed in front of me. In one of them, there was a knife, in the other one, there was meat. " Choose ".I heard a voice speak. I didn't even wonder where the voice came from just focused on my thoughts. Think, I said to myself.

Meat could certainly buy me some time, but I definitely didn't know what I was about to face, so the best way to protect myself would be with a knife. Once I grabbed the knife the bowls disappeared. I turn around to see what I will be facing. But instead, I saw a puppy. With a ribbon on its head. I kneeled to pet the dog but it turned into a wolf as soon as I got close to it. It started running towards me. All I can remember before waking up is pointing the knife towards the wolf and feeling it cut the wolf.

I wake up, taking a deep breath. I felt the woman's hand on my shoulder. " I should say I'm really surprised. "She said neutrally. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?" I asked. She pointed the screen with her eyes." Your result, " I interrupted her. " It's not divergent, is it? "

She laughed. " No dear, but I don't think it's what you want, "she said. I gulped. Could it be anything else but Erudite? " You know, you can choose any faction you want, " she added. I got angry as she kept on babbling but not telling me my result. " Your result is Dauntless. "


The next morning, my mom entered my room with a big smile on her face. I turned to her to help me because I couldn't choose what to wear. " I just can't choose, " I mumbled. My clothing was important because as I chose and went back to Erudite as a proper initiate I needed to look my best to make my family and everyone who believed in me proud.

My parents didn't know my result, nobody knew. They didn't even ask, they were sure what I was going to choose. But as the woman who conducted my test and Caleb said, I am still free to choose what I want. And I'm good at being clever. So, at the moment, I did not know where I would choose but I felt the pressure of Erudite on my shoulders.

" Oh dear, " my mom said. " Why don't you wear what you wore on the experiment? You looked amazing in it, " she said sweetly and I nodded. As she was about to get out I stopped her and without a word, I hugged her. " I love you mom " I whispered. She giggled and hugged me back. " I love you too honey, and, there's nothing to be scared of. You know what to choose, "I nodded uncomfortably.

While she was leaving, my sister Abby, came into my room. "Angela, I just wanted to see you, before, you know, " she said. She was a year younger than me. "Aw, " I said and hugged her. I didn't want to leave my family but mostly I didn't want to leave my sister. I took a deep breath. " I love you, you little devil,"

By the second we walked in the place that Choosing Ceremony would be held, I held my breath. My heart was beating fast as I eyed the room. The platform, the bowls, the separated places for each faction.Abnegation, Amity, Erudite, Candor and Dauntless. All the colors were mixed in chaos. In the Erudite area, Jeanine was standing at the bottom, welcoming people. She smiled when she saw us. "Angela, " she said. " You are just in time "

My parents just smiled. " I wanted to talk to you about this actually, I don't know what your result is, but I hope you know you are free to choose anything you want. " She said, emphasizing the word 'free'. When she said free, the smile on my parents' faces slowly disappeared. My heart started to beat even faster. Did she know that my result wasn't Erudite? Jeanine looked at my parents then me, " I'm sure your parents will support you, whatever choice you make. ".My parents smiled uncomfortably again, as they didn't know what to say.

We sat in our places. I observed Jeanine and watched how she handled things. This would be me, in years, possibly. I tried to picture myself like that, it wasn't a foreign feeling but somehow didn't feel right. Then my eyes led themselves to the left side and watched Dauntless. They all seemed happy. Different than what I was used but happy. Not fake happy, with the help of chemistry, really happy. They looked free like they had no worries and pressureless.

When Jeanine stepped on the platform and started talking I looked at her and analyzed her. How she talked, how she made eye contact, how carefully she chose her words and her tone. I focused on her talk and on the last sentence. " Future belongs to those who know where they belong. " Clapping. Those words made something twist inside of me.

Because my both name and surname started with A, I'd probably be in the first fifteen people. Erudite, I said to myself. My home, and where I belong. I clapped in the last second for a guy from Amity. Another name.Clapping.A. Faction.Clapping.Another name.Clapping.A Faction. Clapping. Another name.Clapping.A Faction.Clapping.Another name.Clapping.A Faction.

I kept repeating to myself. "Erudite, Erudite, Erudite, Erudite ".Until I heard my name. To me, every sound just went off. As I stood up and walk to the platform, everyone but especially everyone at Erudite was watching me closely. Before I stepped on the platform I saw Jeanine, looking at me proudly. She gave me a smile. Erudite.She didn't have to say anything but I knew she was thinking that. I bet all the everyone thought that.

I stepped on the curved part of the platform. As I slowly walked on there, I looked at every bowl carefully. You are free to choose what you want. I remembered the simulation lady and Jeanine saying to me. You have to think of your family, I hear Caleb. Then I decided on Erudite. It was what I knew, what I believed in, why would I want to change everything?

But Caleb popped in my head again. But you also have to think of yourself. This brought me to a dilemma. A dilemma I didn't know the answer for the first time. The test said that I was Dauntless, but I couldn't see it. The test was supposed to tell me what to do and we believed in the test. As a scientist and someone who believed in the facts, I knew I should trust my result but it made me leave what I knew my whole life behind and go somewhere where I had no clue what to do or who to be.

I take the knife and cut my hand. Pain burst through my hand but I didn't care and kept staring between Erudite bowl and Dauntless bowl. I heard Jeanine, it's good for you to learn your future surroundings. I put my hand above the Erudite bowl. As I stared at the image of Erudite, I imagined Eric's eyes. If you choose Erudite, he said.

The future belongs to those who know where they belong. I took a deep breath.

Think about yourself.

And the last thing I did before reaching the napkin is putting my hand above Dauntless bowl and dropping my blood in it.

When I heard the cheerings, suddenly a heavy feeling weighed on my chest. I slowly look to the Erudite section. I saw the same shocking expression on everyone's faces. Especially on Jeanine's face, mixed with a lot of disappointment. Even from all the screaming and clapping, I could hear my dad shouting. " No ! This can't happen! "

Someone patted my shoulder and another gave me his place. By that time I sit down everyone else around claps me. But all I can think about is the feeling on my heart. Trying to decide if it's good or bad. If I choose good or bad as I eyed my new faction.

Somehow, it filled my energy up.

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