Chapter Sixteen

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I could hear noises. Some fighting and some talking. I felt something touching me. " Four, help!" A girl's voice. Tris. Tris's voice. Then I felt someone else touching my body.

My face first, then my shoulder. " Her wound opened up, also she's got some damage on her face. It might be bad, it seems like she took too many hits to her head. ERIC! Stop beating him and help me get her to the infirmary!"

After that, I heard some cursing and, black. I was blacked out.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a bed, and my head and shoulder were hurting. I groaned. I was in a room, somewhere I've been before. Eric's room. " Eric?" I whispered. " Yeah," he answered. I turned around to see him. He was sitting across the bed in a chair.

" What, what happened?" I asked. I could see that his eyes changed as soon as I asked the question. " Four, Tris and I were coming back from the game, talking about the initiate's performances when we heard shouting. We ran to see what it was, and then when we did. Ugh, I can't get that picture out of my mind. I was going to kill them, I wanted to, but you needed my help." he explained briefly.

" What is going to happen to them?" I asked. " They will get their punishment," he said coldly. " How long was I out?" I asked. The small change of topic made his eyes go, softer. " Just the night. It's the visiting day today. And getting kicked out for some people." he murmured the last part.

I sighed. " It's okay, even if they don't come," he said. I looked into his eyes. As if he knew what I was thinking. Whether my parents were going to show up or not. " Well, " I said, " There's only one way to find out,"

I walked into the Pit, with Eric. There were so many people, so many mixes of colors. I quickly scanned every blue wearing person. Then, I felt pressure on my body. "Angela!". It was Abby. " Abby!" I exclaimed then hugged her back.

" I've missed you so much!" she said back. We hugged for a while. " Abby, where's --?" she interrupted me. " Mom just left to go to the toilet. I am sure she'll be back any second. And, dad, well he still can't get used to, you know, you leaving Erudite." I sighed.

But before I could answer, I heard a way too familiar voice. Too close to home. " Angela?". I turned around to face my mother. " Oh my god, my baby, what did they do to you?" My mother exclaimed as she came near me and analyzed my bruises. I smiled.

" It's nothing to worry about mom, you should see the other guys." I tried to joke but my mom and Abby just smiled faintly. " Nonetheless, I missed you." my mother said, then she hugged me. I hugged her back.

After our hug, my mom held my arms and made eye contact. " Baby, I just wanted to say that I am sorry," she said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " I am a mother, your mother, and I should have known. That this, Dauntless, was you, not Erudite. All those times we, I, pushed you to be something you aren't. I am sorry, I can only hope that being here makes you happy." I smiled, I couldn't say anything. I was too surprised. "Thank you, mom," was all I could say.

After our brief moment, my mom realized Eric. " Is that, Eric? Is that really you?" she asked. Eric nodded coldly. " Nice to see you too Mrs. Anderson. Now, excuse me. I have some business to handle. Angela, come see me after you're done." he said then walked away.

We all watched him leave. " I can't believe who you used to tutor," my mom said. I sighed. If only she knew what we had been doing now.

I spent an hour with my family. My mom said that they couldn't stay for too long because my dad didn't want them to come here and they needed to get back before dad realized, well, they did come here. I hugged them one last time.

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