Chapter Twenty-Four

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" What?" I shouted in shock. " Right now we don't have a lot of time to explain, come, we have to find Caleb and Tris's dad," Four said and we started running. As we were running I was trying to wrap my head around what Four said.

How could we have attacked another faction? The faction that was the government. It was basically a coup. We soon found Caleb and Tris's dad. " We must go, Jeanine could start the simulation any time," Four said.

" You should have let me make her wipe the program," Tris shouted to Four. "We didn't have the time Tris!" Four said back. " What are we going to do now?" Caleb asked. I looked at Four. He seemed to be in charge.

" Peter, " he breathed out. " He must know how to get us guns after we get them we run away," Four said. We all nodded. I didn't know how Peter was involved or who he was, at this point I was just following Four and Tris.

Soon we went where they left Peter. After a little persuasion, he agreed to help. Apparently, he had the code and the key for the weapon storage. We quickly made our way there. Four handed each of us a gun, just like the ones we used in practice.

Then he grabbed little ones and gave them to Tris, Peter, and I. He got one for himself as well. " Just in case," he said as he put that one to his belt. " We must get on a train, to get somewhere safe, at least for now," Four said. I nodded.

" Where's safe?" I asked. He shrugged. " We can decide on that once we are on the train," he said. My heart was beating so fast as we made our way into the train station. How did people on Dauntless agree to attack another faction? How did my friends? And what did Four mean when he asked me if I was still me?

We hid when we came near the station. " There are two guards," Tris whispered. I quickly took a look before hiding again. " Shit, they are my friends," I said. They were Sam and Rose. " We can't hurt them," I whispered. I quickly shared a look with Tris and Four.

" Fine, maybe we can use this to our advantage," Four whispered. " They don't know that you are with us right now, they think you are clueless, plus you are their friend, and at the moment they should be out of the serum's effect, you can go talk to them and knock them out or at least distract them until we knock them out, then we can leave," Four said.

I nodded. " Okay, as long as they won't get hurt," I said and got up. I went around and went inside. Then I walked to the compound, towards the station like I wasn't trying to escape.

" Guys, hey," I said and waved as I went up to them. At first, when they heard my voice they pointed their guns at me but once they recognized me, they lowered them. " Angela," Rose said as she hugged me. " What's going on?" I asked them.

" After we left you, we were called to an emergency meeting, there was some sort of crisis so they injected everyone with something, we didn't really care for it at first, but when we came to ourselves we were here, with guns and not in the Pit. Oh also, the sun is set, the injection was in the morning," Sam quickly explained

. " Huh," I said. "Where were you when you woke up? We didn't see you during the injection, and, are you, you now?" Rose quickly asked. I took a deep breath. " Ugh, I was injected by Eric in the room, I woke up in the Pit actually, and they fixed my memory beforehand," I lied quickly. They nodded.

" Do you know where Samantha is? I'm worried for the little devil," Sam said. I shook my head. " No, I am sorry, you guys are the first ones I've seen, " I said. I needed to find a way to distract them to take them out. But they seemed like themselves and maybe they could help us and come with us.

As I was thinking, I realized neither of them had spoken up. When I checked, their eyes were closed and when they opened them it was like the people I knew were gone. They pointed their guns at me. " Stand down," Sam spoke up quickly. I put both of my hands up and slowly brought them to my gun.

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