Chapter Two

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When my dad came home, he was as shocked and tired as I was. "Mrs.Matthews decided to slow things down a bit. We have a lot to think of right now. The ceremony is coming up and we need to plan the initiation progress. I'm sure that even though you will be an initiate, she would like you to be there. " he said as he took off his glasses. I nodded then I went to my room.

I was so tired, mentally. Eric just frustrated me so much. Is it that easy for a faction to change a person so drastically? I shook my head and took a science book. Maybe if I concentrate on school and something I'm good at I'll be able to stop thinking about today.

After a while, I decided that I just couldn't focus. This was the first time that I couldn't make a calculation properly, my mind was elsewhere. I looked out of my window. It was only the afternoon. My parents probably wouldn't mind if I walked around a little. I wore some comfy clothes than the usually accepted wear then went to the living room. "Hey, I'll take a walk around the compound to get some fresh air, I'll be home by dinner," I said then left before they could answer. Maybe I could find Caitlin or Olivia. Caitlin was my cousin and Olivia was her best friend, meaning three of us were almost always together.

After a while, I gave up on looking for them. They were probably tired because of today's exam. Since I was excused today to participate in the experiment ı had taken it earlier. To me, it was pretty easy. Well, it was to most of my peers. But you know, when in less than a week you have to make a choice that affects your entire life, you might get stressed.

I took a deep breath and went to the cafeteria. I saw Caleb there. He was sitting alone so I sat next to him. "Hey," I said. He smiled and I smiled in return. "What are you working on?" I asked. He shrugged. "Just research about a project I'm on. About physics," he said. I nodded. "I was just, you know, a bit confused after today. I was walking around to clear my head, I looked for my friends but I couldn't. Then I spotted you, I hope I'm not bothering you," I explained myself before he asked.

"That's nice, I could use some company. Especially a brain like yours," he said and I smiled again. "Fine, show me," I said as I rolled my eyes. He gave me a smirk as he showed me the problem. I needed a few seconds to solve the problem in my head. "Okay, here's the mistake you've made." I murmured as I took the pencil from his hand and solved the problem quickly. He smiled looking at the solution and me. "Thank you,"

"So," he said while closing his book. "In a few days, you will choose your faction," he added. I nodded. "Yeah, any suggestions?" I asked him. "Well, I said the same thing to my sister and now I'm going to tell you. When you choose your faction you have to think about your family, but also you need to think about yourself" he said.

"That's what you did? Right?"I asked him and he nodded. "Yes, I mean I always fit in Abnegation, I did what did they told me but deeply I knew I belonged here, in Erudite. I use to always hid my books. I knew leaving would hurt my family but I also needed to do the best thing for me. You get to choose the life you want to live in. No one else."

I bit my lip. "I know my result will be Erudite, but what if it isn't? Everyone expects me to be the new leader, and well, me too, sometimes, but what if I'm not capable of that? What if my result is something else and I choose here anyway and, I don't want to go to Factionless." I covered my face with my hands. I felt his hands on my shoulder. "Well, I doubt you'd go to Factionless if you stay here, I mean c'mon, you're practically a mini Janine Matthews and I don't know if it will comfort you but, if you go to Dauntless my sister will help you. And if you go to Abnegation my parents and probably everyone else will help you. But I can assure you that wherever you go, you won't be alone." I stayed silent for a while.

"Sister, huh?" I asked. He smirked. "Yes, and I heard you have one too, they can be a pain in the ass sometimes." We laughed at that. " Yeah, well. Truer words have never been spoken." We smiled at each other. "Thank you," My eyes glanced at the clock. "I should probably go, see you later," I said and left.

I was terrified that my result wouldn't be Erudite. All my life I've lived with knowledge, and I didn't think I could survive in another faction. I didn't have anything against Abnegation like the rest of the Erudite, but I was selfish. To be popular and to be loved could only exist by the lack of selflessness. I loved being happy but I knew about the serum on their food and drinks, my father told me about it, so I didn't want to be fake happy.

I could live without a lie but I will not tell my whole secrets in front of an entire faction. As for Dauntless, well, after what happened to Eric, I don't think I could live like that too. Tattoos might be nice but definitely, I'm not capable of beating someone, especially someone I know to death.

So it leads me to one choice. My home. Erudite.


The next morning started out normal. I wore my school uniforms, had my breakfast and went to school. On my way there, I found Caitlin. She smiled when she saw me. "Great, you're here." I nodded. "Troy told me you came to our house. There's something I need to tell you." She said as she grabbed my arm and started to walk. "Oh, I'm surprised that jerk told you, he usually doesn't do anything for me," I said and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, I guess my dick of a brother felt like doing something nice, anyway, GUESS who just asked me out yesterday?"

Okay, that was one of the things I wasn't good at. I couldn't guess. I mean in lessons and stuff yes my guesses are great but in girly things like this, nope. " I don't know, Chris? " I asked and she rolled her eyes. "How can you be so clever and dumb at the same time? Huh?" She exclaimed causing us to laugh. "Anyway, tell me who the lucky guy is," I said excitedly. But suddenly Olivia appeared. "Caitlin, I can't believe you went out with Joey!" Caitlin smiled. "I know, I still can't believe it either!"

When we entered the school, Joey suddenly came and kissed Caitlin on her cheek. Caitlin was blushing as Olivia and I giggled. "Angela Anderson, if I'm correct?" Joey asked me. I nodded. "Hello," I said. "Wow," he said. "I heard you joined an experiment yesterday with Mrs.Matthews herself," he said and I nodded again. "Yes, I hope she'll call me to the other parts of the experiment too, "I answered.

I could feel Caitlin and Olivia looking at me confusingly. "You worked with Jeanine Matthews?!" Olivia exclaimed. I nodded, again. "Yeah, it was great. That's why I didn't come to school yesterday. There were even some people that came from Dauntless for it, you guys, it was amazing, I wish you could have been there." I said happily.

By the end of the first lesson, almost everyone had heard about me and working with Jeanine, and they were talking about how lucky I am. At lunch, everyone stood by our table and wanted me to explain what happened yesterday. I liked the reputation. People needed to learn about this because I would be the new Jeanine in time.

However, for the whole day as I was talking about how good yesterday was, what we talked about with Jeanine and explaining the process, in my brain, in the back, I could see the new Eric, looking at me with his cold looks and asking me whether would I choose Erudite.

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