Chapter 19

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Alex's POV;

It's been exactly a week since Tobin left for New Jersey with Kelley and she's ignored every effort the striker has made to contact her. However, Alex checks in with Kelley every day to see how the midfielder is doing. As of right now, Tobin is visiting family in Basking Ridge for a few and then she's coming back to Kelley's to get ready for camp. Alex has debated showing up at in New Jersey multiple times but the first night Tobin left she texted Alex, as if she could read her mind, and told her not. To Alex, the past week has felt like an eternity. The striker thought she would be relieved not having to pick up after the older girl, or cook for her, or do her laundry for her. But she missed it terribly. She craved the warmth that Tobin provided every night, she missed hearing the midfielders groggy voice in the morning, and she missed most of all the feeling that Tobin provided their home. Whenever the older girl was in their apartment it was like a whole different house. Every nook and cranny of the place reminded Alex of Tobin and she couldn't go anywhere without having flashbacks of the midfielder and her together there.

She hadn't called Kelley yet today, and the defender was her closest connection to the women she loves. So she picks up and her phone and dials her.

"Hey Lex, how are you holding up?" Kelley asks sympathetically.

"I've been better, but thanks for asking" Alex smiles at Kelley's compassion and curiosity of how the striker was doing.

"Before you ask, she's doing well. She's with her sister right now. I know she doesn't show it, but she misses you a lot. She's been asking me how you're doing and I've let her know how bad you're missing her" Kelley lets her know.

Alex sighs in relief to hear that Tobin's feelings are mutual and that she's doing alright.

"Kelley, I know Tobin told me not to come after her, but I feel like I have to, I feel obligated. I know if the roles were reversed that Tobin would come after me" Alex confesses, totally anxious to hear what Kelley's response will be.

The line is silent for a moment but then Kelley's voice fills the striker's ears, "I don't know, Alex. I'm all for mushy love stories but Tobin asked you not to come after her and I think it's best she gets the space she needs"

"It's so hard Kelley, I didn't even miss her this much when she was in Paris" Alex confesses as she paces across the tile floor in the kitchen.

"I know Alex, but you have to stay strong. I have to go but I'll call you later tonight, okay?" Kelley asks and Alex nods.

"Okay Kel, thanks for everything, I love you" Alex says, realizing how great of a friend Kelley's been.

"I love you too, Lex" Kelley sighs into the phone, and Alex hangs up.

Alex can't take it anymore. She knows she shouldn't do what she's about to do, but she feels like she has no other option. The striker runs to her bedroom and starts packing a duffle bag, stuffing it with random clothing articles she thinks she might need, but just as she's about to leave she spots Tobin's old warm up jacket and crams it in her bag.

She locks the apartment door and grabs her keys, leaving the complex in a flurry. Alex gets to her car and speeds to the airport paying no mind to the speedometer.

Arriving at the relatively empty airport she makes her way to the desk, cutting more than a few people in line causing a few profanities to be yelled at her, but she payed no mind.

"Do you have any flights going out to New Jersey tonight?" Alex asks quickly, tapping her fingers anxiously on the counter.

"Let me look" The older women says.

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