Chapter 24

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Tobin's POV;

Kelley roars in laughter at Tobin's attempts to play goalie.

"You're supposed to catch the ball!" Kelley yells and Tobin blushes in embarrassment.

"It's harder than it looks! You come try!" Tobin shouts as Kelley shrugs, beginning to run towards the midfielder.

Kelley stands in the goal and begins bouncing up and down to psych herself up. Tobin sets her mind to a certain spot in the net and hits it dead on, Kelley diving the other way completely.

"I thought you were supposed to catch the ball!" Tobin laughs and Kelley shoots her a glare.

The defender jogs up next to Tobin and nudges her slightly.

"This field is so nice" Kelley says, turning around and looking at the empty stadium.

Tobin nods in agreement and the pair make their way out of the building. Instead of calling a cab, they decide to just walk home because something about being in the California weather was so relaxing to both of them.

"Do you think Alex is alright, you know after everything that happened this morning?" Tobin asks, the thought struggling to vacate her mind.

"I don't know Tobs. But all we can do is be there for her" Kelley dribbles the ball down the sidewalk.

Tobin just mentally agrees with Kelley's comment. She was so incredibly in love with the striker and the thought of anyone or anything making Alex out to be someone she's not made Tobin's blood boil.

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" Kelley asks, interrupting Tobin's thoughts.

"Sure" Tobin smiles, but just as they're about to turn into the ice cream shop, Kelley stumbles backwards into Tobin.

"Ouch" The midfielder groans, opening her eyes to see Alex standing there.

"No way! What are you guys doing here?" Alex asks and Tobin seems a bit confused.

"We were on our way back from-" She begins, "Moe!" She yells, seeing the fellow midfielder standing beside her girlfriend.

"Hey Toby" Moe smiles, wrapping the girl into a tight hug.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Kelley laughs and Moe wraps the defender in her grasp along with Tobin.

"What are you 2 doing here?" Tobin asks Alex, confused by the coincidental appearance.

"We were gonna go down to the pitch. Why don't you 2 rejoin us?" Alex suggests and Tobin hesitates for a moment but Kelley answers for them.

"Yes!" She beams jumping up and down.

The 4 girls make their way back down to the stadium, Moe catching up with Kelley and Alex walking beside Tobin.

"Why didn't you answer any of my texts?" Alex looks down at her feet.

"Oh, my phone died" Tobin remembers, looking over at the striker.

"Oh" Alex nods, still not looking at the older girl.

"Is something bothering you?" Tobin asks boldly, scared to hear the younger girl's response.

"No, thanks for asking" Alex says flatly and Tobin is growing concerned and slightly annoyed at the striker's mood.

They make their way down to the pitch and Kelley kicks the ball to Moe immediately.

"How about some 2 on 2?" Kelley suggests, as Moe dribbles around the field.

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