Chapter 30

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Tobin's POV;

She hated it.

She hated every passing second she had to endure without the striker beside her.

But how else could she end things? How else could she detach herself from the younger girl?

Tobin knew she had to be strong and maybe even cruel to Alex in order for her feelings to subside.

She paced nervously down the hotel hall way, thinking harshly about all the possibilities and consequences coming her way soon.

It's 4 am so Tobin knew nobody would be awake to see her in this state.

She was wrong.

She looks up, and even in the dim light that the hall way emitted, she could see those familiar ocean eyes that always drove her wild.

Alex looks at her briefly and then turns around and walks quickly the other way down the hall.

Tobin's eyes fall back to the floor as she paces again.

She wanted to tell Alex that everything she said was a facade, that she meant not a word she uttered, but she was unsure if she would ever get the chance before it was too late.

The older girl wasn't sure how much time passed by, but soon she heard footsteps growing louder, and she glanced up to see Alex again.

She was wrapped tightly in a blanket, her hair in a messy bun and her face was barely visible, but even in the low light she appeared fatigued.

Tobin knew that when the striker was upset about something that she had a hard time sleeping. And the older girl felt tremendous guilt knowing that this time, it was her fault.

Alex slides into the room, keeping her gaze away from the midfielder, and in that moment, Tobin's mind was made up.

Long strides lead her to the familiar door, she wiggles the handle and sees the striker had locked it.

"Lex, let me in, please" Tobin rests her forehead against the door.

It's silent for a few minutes, but suddenly Tobin feels the weight that the door provided disappear.

"What do you want, Tobin?" Alex sighs, rubbing her temples.

Now getting a closer look at the girl she sees how horrible she looks.

Her eyes were bloodshot and had dark circles peeking under them. Her expression was flat and emotionless, her complexion was dim and dreary, providing no glow or life. And to top it off, she wreaked of alcohol.

"Can I come in?" Tobin has to turn away from the striker because the longer she looked at her, the more hurt she felt.

"I don't know if that's a good idea" Alex shakes her head.

The midfielder looks up at her and regrets it quickly, feeling a massive amount of pain hit her instantly and the sight of Alex's deteriorating state.

"I don't want to wake everyone up, and the situation is kind of," Tobin pauses, "private," she whispers, shooting Alex a pleading look "Please"

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