Chapter 2

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Alex's POV;

Pacing around her apartment, glancing at the clock at least every 10 seconds, hoping it'll speed up. She can't help but think about Tobin's arrival.

"12:30, 12:30..." She whispers over and over to herself, chewing on her fingernails.

She's been cleaning all day, making sure the apartment is perfect. Alex knows it's probably not as nice as wherever Tobin stayed in Paris while she was there, but she knows Tobin isn't too picky about where she stays. As long as there's junk food, T.V., and somewhere to sleep. Tobin is happy.

Alex makes her way to the bathroom, checking herself out in the mirror. She knows she's just going to the airport, but it's been 5 months and 21 days since she's seen Tobin, (Not like she was counting down).

Pleased with the black jeans and white v-neck she chose, she decides to leave her hair down & natural, because she knew that's how Tobin liked it best.

Glancing at the clock it's only 10:12 and Tobin still has roughly 3 hours left on her flight. She can't help but picture Tobin the last time she saw her, at the same airport where she's going to see her tonight.


"I guess this is it for a while, champ" Tobin says chuckling, as she flashes her smile Alex's way.

Alex smiles back, always amazed at Tobin's sense of positivity in any situation.

"I'm gonna miss you Tobin" Alex says in a tone just louder than a whisper, as she grabs Tobin quickly, pulling her into a tight hug.

She feels Tobin's arms engulf around her and her head nuzzle into Alex's neck. Small sniffles escape Alex's nose. And Tobin pulls away quickly. Furrowing her thick brows at Alex.

"Please don't cry.. It's only for a few months, I'm not dying" Tobin says, giving a weak smile.

Alex stares into her deep brown orbs, looking for something, anything. Then she finds it.

"Tobin.." She says, her voice even more raspy than usual.

Tobin doesn't say anything, but tilts her head to the side in confusion. This could be Alex's only chance to ever get her feelings out in the open & not have to worry about any repercussions. Tobin would be gone & Alex could remain in Portland with a clear conscious. If she was going to pursue a serious relationship with Servando, she had to know if she was making the right choice.

"I... I need to tell you something important, but you have to promise that nothing will change between us" Alex says, grabbing Tobin's hand in her own.

"Anything Lex, what is it?" Tobin says reassuringly.

"I.." Alex, begins but fear overwhelms her. She loves Tobin. She loves this women standing infront of her. She always has and she knows it. But she knows it's no use. Tobin told her things won't change, but Alex knows better. Tobin isn't into her. Tobin loves her, but not in that way. So she pushes her prepared confession to the back of her mind.

"I ate the oreo's you packed in your carry on," Alex says instead, and Tobin bursts out laughing. Alex examines her carefully, letting the beautiful symphony of Tobin's laugh fill her ears. She watches as Tobin throws her head back and runs her hand through her long brown locks.

"It's okay Lex," Tobin breathes, putting her large hand on Alex's shoulder and squeezing it gently.

The girls look around as they hear Tobin's flight be announced, and they make their way to the gate.

Alex and Tobin wave at each other until they can't see each other anymore. Alex turns around and feels a tear roll down her cheek.

"Maybe next time," She whispers to herself. Wiping her face with her sleeve.

*End of Flashback*

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