Chapter 8

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Alex's POV;
Alex's eyes slowly fluttered open as small beams of light shined into her eyes. She rolls over to get the blinding ray's out of her eyes. In the process of rolling over, her view is shifted to the beautiful girl lying next to her. Tobin's loose ponytail is almost falling off her head & the slight breeze from the open window blows Tobin's loose strands of hair slightly across the white pillow. Her lips are parted slightly, and her arm is still draped around Alex's waist. Tobin's usually tan skin is even darker in contrast to Alex's all white bedding, and Alex doesn't think she's ever seen Tobin look more beautiful than she does right now. Natural, peaceful, and relaxed. Alex runs a slender finger across Tobin's cheek and tucks a loose strand of her brown locks behind her ear. She's careful to touch Tobin as soft as she possibly can, so she doesn't disturb her in her sleep. Alex slowly pulls out of Tobin's loose grasp, and makes her way into the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she's about to start, she hears the floor creak next to her & glances over to see Tobin standing in the door way. Her arms stretched out over her head and her mouth wide open as she yawns. Alex smiles at the adorable sight & Tobin gives her a weak, closed eyed smile back.

"Goodmorning sunshine," Alex chirps, her voice still raspy from just waking up. "I didn't want to wake you up, because I had planned on making breakfast. I just realized we never ate last night" She finishes, a bit inaudible here and there due to the fact she's brushing her teeth as she speaks.

"Goodmorning superstar," Tobin begins, walking behind Alex, and wrapping her arms around the strikers waist.

Alex meets Tobin's gaze through the mirror in front of them, and smiles as Tobin begins peppering small kisses along Alex's shoulder and neck.

The mood is broken when Alex hears Tobin's stomach grumble and bursts out in laughter.

"How romantic, Tobs" Alex jokes, throwing her head back and feeling Tobin's grasp on her tighten.

"Not funny Lex! I might die of starvation any second, and it's all your fault you didn't cook for me last night!" Tobin pouts, resting her chin on Alex's shoulder.

"Alright, alright dork. I'll go cook you breakfast. Anything you want" Alex gives in. Her tone made it sound like she dreaded the idea of cooking, but in actuality, she was excited to do just about anything for the tan beauty behind her.

Tobin smiles, and lets go of Alex's waist. "Anything?" She smirks, grasping onto Alex's wrist, quickly before she walks away.

Alex turns around quickly at the sudden jolt behind her, and smirks back at Tobin.

"Anything" She answers, inching closer to the midfielder & kissing her lightly.

Tobin's hands wander up Alex's bare back & she grins widely. "I think you know what I want" She grumbles, her voice deeper than usual.

Alex feels the tension between them & wants to release it. So she leans in to kiss the midfielder & immediately Tobin kisses her back, their tongues battling in a frenzy of dominance. Their hands exploring each others backs and abdomens. Just before the kiss gets a little too heated, Tobin retracts. Alex frowns at the loss of contact & Tobin smirks, knowing very well what she's doing.

"Bacon, well done, egg's sunny side up, toast with that jelly your mom sent home with us last time we visited. And some coffee please," Tobin blurts out, counting on her fingers as she lists everything. "Oh!" She perks, acting as if a lightbulb just went off in her head. "Some pancakes with those little blueberries in them" She finishes, acting out the motion of putting blueberries in pancake batter.

Alex was honestly amazed at how quickly Tobin can go from being the sexiest person on Earth, to the cutest thing she's ever seen.

"You got it dude" Alex says, winking at Tobin and walking out of the bathroom & making her way to the kitchen.

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