Chapter 36

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Author's Note:
This fanfic has meant so much to me and writing it has been an absolute dream. I'm sorry my updates recently have been few and far between (if that), but I have had so much going on in my life recently. With college around the corner I'm going to try to stay active and writing more often because I feel as though writing, even if it is a fanfiction is a way to stay creative and productive.
Thank you all for all of your positive feedback over the past year and I promise you, this isn't over yet.


Tobin's POV:

"Come on Alex, just do it!" Kelley squawks from across the pitch.

Tobin looks over at her girlfriend observantly as the younger girl is dribbling the ball much more ferociously than usual. Alex's dribbling skills and footwork has always been top-notch, but in that moment it was superb.

The striker stops in her tracks and kicks the ball with so much force that it flies to the top of the stands.

Kelley erupts in excitement and darts over to the striker, picking her up off the ground and spinning her around.

"So bad ass, Alex" The defender's raspy voice laughs.

Tobin smiles coyly at Alex while the younger girl smiles back at her quite bashfully.

Tobin sits up from her position so quickly it feels as though her brain shifted an inch forward when she shot up. She draws in a deep breath and Alex rolls over in the bed next to her and furrows her brow at the mid fielder, her eyes barely open.

"Are you okay?" The younger girl's tired voice asks, sitting up so she's matching Tobin's position while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Tobin lets out a deep sigh of relief and slides back down on the bed. "Yeah, I just had a nightmare" she confesses.

"What was it?" Alex asks curiously, snuggling up to the older girl's chest and letting out a soft yawn.

The midfielder shakes her head and begins, "it was horrible... we were on the pitch, practice field, right?" Alex lets out a small "mhm", "then all of a sudden you break out into this crazy fast sprint, and you're dribbling down the field"

"That doesn't sound scary to me?" Alex questions, laughing slightly.

"Oh it was terrifying," Tobin continues, "for a split second, it felt real and I thought to myself 'oh my God, Alex can dribble better than I can', but then I woke up in shock and was relieved to see that it was only a dream" Tobin shuts her eyes to add emphasis to her smart ass remark, as if she is going back to sleep.

She feels a sharp pain on her abdomen and her eyes open quickly, glancing down she sees the younger girl's slender fingers pinching her bare skin excessively hard.

"Ow! Alex!" Tobin whines, smacking her hand away.

Alex's brows furrow as she pulls away from the older girls chest and looks at her. "Don't act like you didn't have that coming, smart ass"

Tobin smirks, knowing Alex can't resist her, "You love me" she says plainly and matter-of-factly.

"Sure, whatever Tobin" Alex says jokingly, her voice incredibly raspy in that moment. Tobin would never get tired of hearing her name come off of the lips of the younger girl. There was something so magical and so sultry about Alex's voice that Tobin was certain she'd never want to hear anyone but the younger girl say her name again.

The midfielder had called yesterday and cancelled the pair's interview session, but it was now rescheduled for today. They spent the remainder of yesterday in bed, just laying, talking occasionally, sleeping, and simply just being around each other. They discovered that often times the comfortable silence that looms around them is more familiar than hearing one another speak. Throughout her life, Tobin often felt obligated to keep conversations or engage in discussion whenever there was silence. With the younger girl, nothing had to be said for the other to know just how much the other cherished their presence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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