Love is war

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Being edited as of 10/4/14. Thank you for reading this story, I never thought so many people would read it and I really appreciate any feedback you have. This story does not follow the GOT story line, some of the characters personalities are changed, and some thing are just completely different. Please vote if you like the story, and again, thank you so much.


"Don't go." I pleaded to my youngest sister, who simply stared at me with a pitiful expression. I knew any attempts to convince them were useless, but still I tried.

"Mother says I must, we only brought you here to meet these people and stay for the feast. I'm sorry sister." Julia spoke, but I hardly listened.

Huffing we stood outside of the Stark castle, patiently waiting for someone to open the door and invite us in.

"Mother, why the Starks? Can't we keep going?" I asked silently hoping that if I complained to much, she would give in.

"No. My sweet, we cannot. Your father has requested for us to meet Lord Stark personally, so I can suggest a proposal."

"And the proposal is?" My voice caught in throat, I knew exactly what she would say next, but I hoped, no, I prayed for a different answer.

"Your hand in marriage my dear." Her face was smiling and happy, yet her voice betrayed her. She sounded like she was feeling slightly sorry for me.

Holding my tougue, I simply nodded. Before my mother, Lady Ravenwood, could say another word a man in armor came through the doors an ushered us in.

"Lord Stark and his family will see you now." His mono tone voice made me cringe slightly.

"His family? I assumed we would only speak to Lord Stark himself."

"Lady Ravenwood, Lord Stark has decided that the whole family should hear what Lord Ravenwood has sent you to say." So formal.

She simply nodded and we were gestured in. "What do you think he looks like?" my little sister asked innocently.

"Julia, I bet he looks like a horses ass." A smiled played on my lips, I refrained myself from bursting out laughing at my own joke, Sadly, It was probably true. Our mother scolded us silently from the front of our small group.

We stood in a line in front of the family, my mother, myself, and my sister Julia all bowed at the same time.

"Presenting, Lady Ravenwood of the Ravenwood clan and wife to Lord Richard Ravenwood, Their daughters Selena and Julia." My heart raced, as the family in front of us stood and judged us from afar.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Lord Stark and Lady Stark, your children have grown up well." Until then I had avoided eye contact with the Starks, looking up I saw a man, with dark hair and blue eyes, he had facial hair which made him look even more handsome. He was staring at me intensly, and with wonder. I couldn't help but blush and look away from him.

"You all traveled a great deal away, why have you come to us today?" The Lord questioned, A thought occured to me, It would be embarrasing if they said no to her proposal, But I wouldn't mind.

"We have come to offer you a proposal, in which my oldest daughter, would marry one of your sons and in return you would offer us your alligence, and our house would do the same for you."

My heart stopped, and my voice caught in my throat, I glanced over at the oldest boy sitting and he stared back at me, wordless.

"Selena my dear, step forward."

"Yes my lady." Now all eyes were on me, I did as I was told letting my gaze fall upon the Lord and his wife.

"You have dark hair and green eyes, it seems stand out from your family."

"I do, my lady, my mother and sister have hair the color of the sun and blue eyes. I take after my father." Which was quite upsetting, my mother and sister were as beautiful as a horizon. Everyone always joked that I was as pretty as night, as they were to the day.

"Well, you are quite beautiful."

"Thank you, my lady." The compliment made me look down, bashful.

"How old are you now?"

"I am the age of 18."

Everyone's eyes were upon me and I wish that something or someone would make them stop. Julia, scream at the top of your lungs and run around in circles, that'll avert their attention long enough for me to run away. I smiled at my childish thoughts.

"Would you like to marry my son?" The Lord asked, "Robb, stand."

That broke me out of my thoughts as a handsome boy who's name is apparently Robb, stood, not taking his eyes away from me. It was probably all for show.

"It would be an honor to join our houses, sir." I quickly added the last part, trying to be polite.

"And Robb, my son, what do you think?"

I had to look at him this time, inwardly thinking, handsome boy, please say no. I don't know you, I don't love you. He did the exact opposite and confessed his attraction for me.

"She is the most beautiful women I have laid eyes upon. Even if I searched no one or thing could ever compare to her beauty." He said it with so much passion, that everyone in the room should have felt it. I know I did.

"It's decided, Robb Stark and Selena Ravenwood will be wed. We will have a feast in their honor tonight! Robb, show them their rooms."

He said yes, well, what am I suppose to do now?




I liked those ideas better.



I usually write from my phone, because I have no internet where I live. So if there is mistakes, short chapters, and what not I am terribly sorry.

Thanks for reading the story! :3
Please vote it would mean to world to me! 💚💚

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