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"Selena-" He started talking and then stopped.  

"I'm just asking because everyone seems to think you do." I admited waiting for reply. My helpless tears stopped falling by now, I was just eager to know. Apart of me, was truly hoping he said no. It would make everything so much less complicated. Then there was that little leap in my heart, that came when he stepped closer to me. That was the part of me that was praying he would say yes. 

"I've only known you for a month." Jon said quietly, I looked away, taking that as a no.  

Jon was right in front of me just inches away from my face.  

"I don't know if I love you, but I think about you all the time and I dream about you every night."  

My head shot up and we stared at each other for a good minute.  

"Jon." I whispered, thinking the world had stopped.  

"Yeah?" He whispered back, his face now centimeters away from mine. His lips so close, I could feel his breath on mine. 

"I'm marrying your brother." I replied back, my eyes watering again...I've never cried this much in one day.  

"I know."Jon stroaked the side of face and pushed my hair behind my ear, like he always did.  

And at that moment everything changed, Jon Snow kissed me right on the lips. My whole body said that this was right, I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Guilt hit me like a train, I pulled away almost instantly. Jon stared down at me confused, "I can't.. I'm sorry." Jon yelled my name as I ran away, past Bran who saw the whole thing and the tears coming down my face as I ran, past Arya who yelled my name, finally I ran into the castle, and into my room. Where hopefully no one would come find me, I just want to be left alone, at least until I figure out what I'm going to do. 

Jons kiss lingered on my lips, even thought it was hours ago when it happened.  

I'm so stupid, Jon Snow just kissed me, and I ruined it.  

I have to find him. 

I have to tell him. 

I have to tell him how I feel. 

How do I feel about him? 

I'll figure that out when I get there. 

I ran out of my room as fast as I could. 

I ran all the way to his room. 

I had to tell Jon that I-  

When I got to Jons room I didn't think, I didn't knock, I barged in.  

Big mistake. 

"Selena, no!" Jon yelled as he saw me standing there horrified, I quickly turned around and ran in the other direction.  

I wasn't sure what I had just saw, but I think it broke my heart because my chest was hurting and I couldn't breath. Next thing I knew, everything was black.  





I liked writing this chapter because they finally kissed. <3  

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