Liar Liar

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"Selena?" I turned to see Sansa standing behind me, a small frown on her face.

"yes?" I questioned looking over at the small red head teen.

"How do you... get a boy to notice you?" She asked quietly, avoiding my gaze.

Confused, I pondered the thought. "I don't know Sansa, just be yourself. If they don't see how great you are after that then they're blind and not worth your time." She signed,

"That's what mum said." She began to walk away and I shook my head and smiled

"Or you could make them jealous."

"what?" she breathed smiling

"Flirt with his friend or something and ignore him. That usually works." I laughed and she smiled and yelled "Thanks" As she skipped down the hall.

Laughing I turned around to see Jon standing there smiling, he must have heard our conversation. My laughter stopped, my smiled died. I turned and stomped the other way. Don't look at me. don't talk to me. don't think of me. These were my rules for him inside my mind. Nothing about Selena should cross his mind or lips. Or I'll... well I don't know what I'll do.

A couple hours later I was walking out of my room to the kitchen, minding my own business.

"Arya" I yelped as she tugged on my dress.

"Why are you mad at Jon?" she asked innocently

"Did Jon send you?" I snapped, causing the girl in front of me to frown.

"Noooooo.."She trailed off. Liar.

"well lets just say I found out what he said about me and..."

"and what?" she asked, gazing up at me.

"I'm hurt." I whispered, "But don't tell Robb. He's told me the news and I acted like it was nothing." I added frowning.

"Oh, what did he say exactly?"

"That Jon didn't like me, that I annoyed him. Its not a big deal, really."

"Ok thanks!" She smiled and ran off.

Children. I swear.

Dinner time came along. It was just the family and I. Robb, Sansa, Bran, Lady and Lord Stark. Arya was glaring at Robb and so was Bran. Sansa was smiling at her food, and i was just eating. Robb was confused by the glares he was receiving.

"Did I do something?" He asked finally putting his fork down.

"I don't know, did you?" Arya sassily asked.

"Arya, be nice to your brother."

"But mum he's a liar! A big fat liar!" She yelled slamming her fork down.

"what are you talking about?" Robb hissed

"Oh I don't know, why don't you ask Jon." She snapped back.

"That's enough, I don't know what's going on but calm down all of you!" Lord Stark roared.

Like a lion, it was terrifying. (ALL HAIL ASLAN.)

sighing she sat down and began eating again. Robb was wide eyed from what she had said. Was I the only one utterly confused? yes? I thought so. Damn all of you. Just kidding, I love Bran and Arya. Sansa has her moments, I suppose.

Dinner was over and we all scattered, literally. I saw no one after dinner, except Theon, dear lord. Have I mentioned him yet? He's snarky, rude, perverted, and nasty. Trying to avoid him I went back the way I was going and walked quickly.

"Oi! Selena!"

"Shot." I whispered and turned around "yes?" I smiled, if he knew you didn't want to talk to him. You would never leave his sights.

"You're looking mighty good today." He winked, scanning my body. On the inside I was screaming for my mommy.

"Thanks." Simple answers. Good Selena.

"Have you seen the bastard around?" He asked smirking.

"Who?" I spat. If he was talking about Jon. I swear..

"The bastard son to lord stark."

"He has a name." I shot glaring at him. He knew he was getting to me.

"Oh I know, its Bastard." he laughed putting emphasis on bastard.

"He's more than just a bastard!" I yelled finally getting tired of this. I slapped Theon in the face. He frowned and pushed me into the wall, hard.

"I've beaten women for less than that. Just because you're engaged to Robb doesn't make you untouchable." He said, venom piercing his words. His arm was over my neck and his other hand was holding both of my hands above my head.

"No? I think it does." I whispered kneeing him in the crotch. "Don't ever touch me again." I ran as fast as I could before he could recover. I knew he would do awful things to me if he caught me. Turning a corner I bumped into none other than Jon Snow.

After a moment of staring at each other, my body pressed against him and my hands on his chest. Time stopped. His arms were on my shoulders, just to stop me from falling.

"Selena." He breathed out. My heart quickened, I heard foot steps behind me.

"Help me." was all I said before hiding behind him. Theon glared

"Come here you little bitch." He growled.

Jon raised an eye brow and crossed him arms.

"Whatever. Bastard, Robb is looking for you. So go." He smirked evily at me. I clung onto Jon's shirt. Jon pulled me along with him away from Theon.

"You better watch yourself."Was all he said before he disappeared out of my sight.

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