You Found Me

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Kira's POV

I think I may have made a huge mistake, I was off cleaning the hallway and Robb happened to be coming out of his room at that exact time (accidentally of course). I felt my heart beat faster, I just loved this man so much. The way he walked, talked, the way he pursed his lips when he thought to hard, I even love the way he breathes.

"Robb" I called softly as he passed me without so much as a glance. How could he? I loved him way before that girl got here. How can someone just forget about a person they once had feelings for? Didn't I mean something to him?

"Not now Kira." He hissed but not moving as I tugged on his arm to get him to stay.

"But Robb, now we can be together."

"What?" He asked annoyed more than curious.

"I got rid of her." My voice was so low, I didn't think he heard me for a second. I smiled up at him anyways, we could get married now. Have children, just be a happy family.

"You what?!" He hissed grabbing my arms tightly. This is where I think I made a mistake. "Kira, what did you do?" I froze, scanning Robb's face for signs of happiness but sadly there was nothing but anger.

"I just wanted to be with you.. I love you." Small tears fell from my eyes, I quickly wiped them away not wanting him to see me cry.

"Tell me what you did!" He yelled making his guards run around the corner.

I should have kept this all to myself. Robb doesn't love me anymore, but maybe he never did.

Selena's POV**

I heard their voices before I actually saw them.

"Help!" I screamed pounding on the door and staring through the small barred window.

"Selena?" Relief washed over me as I saw Jon barreling down the steps.

"Jon?" I was expecting...

"Selena!" Oh there he was. Robb smiled when he saw me peaking through, but glared as soon as he saw Jon. Here we go again.

"What are you doing here?" He spat pushing past him and unlocking the door. Why does he have a key?

"I followed Kira last time she left here. How did you know?" Jon kept his face neutral, but his body was tense. I don't understand how two brothers could fight over something so ridiculous for so long.

"Kira told me, she said wanted us to be together and

that's why she did this. You won't have to worry about her anymore though." He said more to me, I frowned slightly, but let them lead me back to the castle.

"Jon?" I stopped and turned right before he was about to leave. There was so much I wanted to say, but I couldn't. Not now anyways.

"Thank you, for finding me." Jon was waiting for me to say something else, but he put a small smile and nodded his head in recognition before leaving me with his brother.

"What about me?" Robb muttered, letting out a small chuckle like he was joking. You could tell he wasn't though, just by the expression in his eyes.

"Thank you also Robb." Standing on my tip toes I gave him a short kiss on his cheek and kept walking, hoping that satisfied him enough.

"You know our wedding is tomorrow, everyone is going to be so happy you're back, some thought you ran away."

"Why would they think that?" Tomorrow? It was to soon, I had to talk to Jon tonight. I can't marry Robb, I won't.

Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now