Out of Control

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It was to dark to see, but somehow I knew I wasn't alone. The wind whipped at my face causing my hair to fly around me. My arms mindlessly reached out for something that was not there. My heart beat filled my ears as something crunched behind me.


"I told you.. I told you" A tall dark figured grabbed my arms, glowing red eyes stared down at me. I struggled under its grip, but I was no match for my attacker.

"I told you to stay away from him.. this is your fault.. remember that." I cried out in terror as the scene changed around me. First my sister was laying on the ground next to our mother in a pool of their own blood. I tried to run to them but the image in front if me changed again, this time it was Jon begging for me to help him. Before I could reach him the dark figure once again appeared, this time it was behind Jon, it's red eyes looked up at me before raising its sword , ready to strike Jon.

"Remember, this is your fault." It said again before striking down at him.

Three days before the wedding

I woke up screaming and fighting against someone.

"Please Miss stop." A soft voice said as I squinted my eyes open. A guard, about my age stood over me looking down with concern. He took a step back as I started to sit up.

"I'm sorry, thank you.."

"Ben.. my name is Ben."

"Thank you Ben." He had dark hair with bright blue eyes. He seemed so innocent, yet there was something about him set my nerves on fire. Ignoring it I lay back down and stared at the ceiling. I've been having this nightmare for weeks, usually I would take my dreams as a sign that something wasn't right. This time I'm not so sure, I'm doing everything they've asked of me, marrying Robb, staying away from Jon.

Still something wasn't right.

After countless hours of no sleep, I just got up and got dressed.

My wedding dress hung in the closet, waiting for me to put it on. Closing my eyes for a moment, I composed myself and grabbed a dark green dress. Fishtailing my hair to the side and slipping on some shoes, I headed out only to bump into Bran.

"Hey little guy." He smiled up at me and we walked to the dining hall to eat together. We sat down and maids brought us our breakfast.

"Okay Selena, I'm not suppose to tell you this so keep it on the down low." Bran whispered leaning towards me from across the table.

"Okay?" I leaned in to, overly curious.

"Jon is leaving the same day Robb and you are getting married. He's going to be apart of the nights watch."

"I knew he was going, but why on the wedding day?"

"My guess, is he's running away from something." I frowned, pushing my food away. I have to talk to Jon, but it has to be in secret.

"Hey, will you do me a favor? It has to be a secret though. No one can know."

Bran got a devilish smirk on his face and leaned forward again. This might kill everyone I love, but I need to talk to him, even if its for a moment.


I waited in the spare room, my plan was I would wait here and Jon would meet me. This part of the castle was mostly abandon, so hopefully no one would be anywhere near while we had our discussion. I thought he wasn't coming or maybe Bran told someone else and Jon is being tortured right now. My mind started getting darker as the door creaked open. Jon walked in and closed the door quickly. A blank expression was set on his face, his once beautiful happy face.

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