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White satin, white lace, floor length, slightly poofy at the bottom. I made note of my wedding dress, ignoring the chatty maids running around my room. They seemed so excited, so happy for me. My mother watched me from the bed, studying me. I'm going through with this, Jon didn't love me enough to stay, he just left without saying anything. Maybe he never really loved me at all or maybe I broke him by being with his brother, causing our love to fizzle away into oblivion.

"My Lady?" My head shot up to a insecure maid trying to fix my hair.

"Sorry." I mumbled sitting in a chair for her. The young girl pinned half of my natural curls up and brushed out the rest.

When they were all done, I stood in front of my mother, giving her the best smile I could muster up. She dressed in a beautiful gown that made her blonde hair and blue eyes seem brighter.

"Can you give us a moment?" She called politely, waiting for the last of them to leave before speaking to me. "Why are you doing this?"

"It's what's right." I shrug, looking away from her piercing blue eyes.

"Do you love him?"

"Who?" I said back, without really thinking.

"Robb. Who else?"

"I-" My voice comes out as a stutter and I know in that moment she has realized my secret.

"Oh no. She was right." Lady Ravenwood sat down holding her head in her hands. "You love the bastard son?" She asked through the cracks of her fingers.

"Yes." I didn't argue, I didn't fuss over the fact that she called him a bastard, I didn't even pretend like I don't love him because I do. I love him with all my heart, but he's gone. He left me.

"Lady Stark told me you both had a fling, I just didn't believe her."

"How did she know though?" I question, more out loud than to my mother. That's when I really do know, Lady Stark was behind it. She wanted so badly for me to marry her son that she threatened me, she threatened my family. What do I do though? Who do I go to that I know the person who betrayed me, is the mother of the man I'm suppose to marry? This is completely messed up in every single way and I'm not sure how I'll get out of this one.

My mother must have been saying something, she waved her hand in front of my face to grab my attention again.

"Lady Stark is the one who threatened you, she threatened me mother."

"Excuse me?"

"She knew I was falling for Jon, so she sent a few men after me to tell me that if I didn't marry Robb everyone I loved would die."

"How do you know it was her?" She asked skeptically staring me down, I just hope she believes me.

"It makes sense, she always gets antsy and rude whenever I show any hint of doubt about the wedding."

"Any mother would act that way." She protested, giving me a frustrated sigh.

"But mother-"

"No buts, you're acting crazy Selena honestly."

A knock came at the door, interrupting us from the argument.

"I'm sorry my ladies, but it's time." The same young maid that did my hair smiled as we both walked towards her.

"You look lovely My lady."

"Thank you." I sighed out, turning to my mother.

"Go." She ushered pushing me lightly, what happened to the understanding mother I had the other day? Where did she go? "You'll be fine." She smiled walking ahead of me to the main court yard where the wedding was going to be held.

I stood behind like I was suppose to, waiting for my cue and when it came the feeling in the pit of my stomach worsened. I walked through the main doors and into the court yard, an elderly women handed me a bouquet of snow lilies that I graciously accepted. The crowd of people that were gathered turned to look at me, all smiling happily at the bride.

My heart sank as I looked forward at the man I was walking towards. Robb dressed in his nicest clothes, ones that I hadn't seen before but I'm sure they were new. I reminded myself to walk forward and smile as I silently looked for Lord Stark. He was nowhere to be seen and suddenly everything felt hopelessly lost. I had no choice, I had to through with this. The only reason I wasn't going to, is because I was going to risk it all for Jon. What do I have that's worth the risk now? This will be easier. This will all make sense one day, I will be happy I married him. I tried to convince myself, yet apart of me screamed in protest.

"You look lovely." Robb whispered to me when I finally reached him. He was glowing, smiling with radiance and it was almost hard not to smile back. Almost.

"Thank you."

We both turned to the man who was going to wed us, he had a white beard and his hair was thinning, but he was smiling like he couldn't be happier to be here. He started talking and I tuned him out, studying the arch way covered in flowers surrounding us. It was beautiful, so eloquent and sweet. They were from the garden, the garden that I told Jon I couldn't go with him and that I didn't love him. I wish I could take it back.

"Stop!" A loud male voice broke the service, causing everyone to turn to the doors I came out of only a few moments ago. My breath caught in my throat and my hands became sweaty.

Suddenly hope started to rise in me again.


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