Not Soon Enough

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I woke up laying in my own bed, tucked in my big warm covers, and in my night clothes. How did I get here? What had happened?

Memories flashed before my eyes, A man with no legs crawling towards me, Me screaming for Jon, but I don't remember who came.

"Hey there sleepy head." Robb stood in the door way leaning against the side.

"Hi." I crocked, Confused I looked at my mouth.

Robb chucked at me and handed me a cup of water, that I gladly sat up and drank.

"Do you remember anything? You hit your head pretty hard." Robb shuffled around and took a seat next to my bed

"I remember the man with no legs and screaming for..." my voice trailed off and I quickly looked up at his hurt expression "I'm sorry." I added looked away and out the doors to my left.

He nodded, Making no effort to say anything. "I better get going, feel better love." Robb kissed my temple and walked out of the room. Guilt pained me, I didn't mean to hurt him.

"Hi." A husky voice stated

I looked up to see Jon, a smile made its way to my face with out my permission.


"How are you feeling?" Jon sat in the place his brother did moments ago.

"Better." Was all I could say, my breath caught in my chest.

"Listen Selena, I know I've been avoiding you the last couple weeks and I'm sorry but..." Jons words trailed off. Hurt filled his eyes as he looked over at me.

"Robb has ordered me to stay away from you." He continued

My brain scrambled for a thought, why? why would Robb do that? Oh, because Jons a threat to him.

"You called me beautiful." I blurted out instantly covering my mouth with my pale hands. Jon chuckled at me causing me to blush madly.

"I did, because you are." Jon whispered

"Are you going to do it then?" My question left him stuned for a couple of moments before he simply nodded.

I understood, there was no need for explainations. I was still angry and hurt though. Angry at Robb, Hurt that Jon would go through with it. It was for the best though, maybe my heart wouldn't be so confused if Jon just disappeared from my sights.

Jon also nodded, standing up he looked down at me, staring into my soul perhaps,

"Selena I..."

"Oh Jon, I didn't expect to see you here." Lady Stark slightly glared at the man standing in front of me. He took one more look at me.. At that moment I wished I had begged him to stay. "Good day." He politly said to Lady Stark.

"How are you feeling my dear?" She asked walking over to me and wiping the hair away from my face. It was such a motherly thing to do that gladly let her do it.

"Have you see Robb?" I asked looking up into her brown eyes. Jon had brown eyes. Shut up Selena, I mentally scowled myself.

"Yes, he went to his room for a bit."

"Oh." was all I could say,

"Are you ready to get up and about?" She smiled at me and went to grab a dress for me to wear. It was a little low cut but not to bad, brown and flowy, it stopped just below my knees and it was short sleeved. It was rather cute.

I put it on and let my hair down

Lady Stark smiled at me and left. I knew exactly where I was going and then I saw Jon walking down the hallway, suddenly I found myself wanting to run to him. I hesitated, but went the other way to Robbs room.

I couldn't look back at Jon, I knew I would change my mind in an instant.

I knocked softly on a large brown door, hoping it was Robbs.

"Who is it?" A manly voice asked, Robb opened the door and looked down at me. I was half a head shorter than him, so it wasn't that far to look.

His blue eyes scanned my body eagerly.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned finally looking into my eyes.

I wasn't sure exactly, was I here to yell at him? Question his actions towards his brother? Or did I come to make peace perhaps.

I stared back into his blue eyes, he pulled me in and closed the door behind him.

"Robb I-" He cut me off with his lips lightly grazing mine.

"Why did you tell Jon to stay away from me?" I asked when his face inched away from mine.

"I didn't?" He somewhat questioned staring at me.


"Jon told me that he didn't like you, he found you annoying and that he no longer wished to be in your presence."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. I thought.. What did I think? it doesn't matter.

"Well that's rude. But oh well, I didn't like him very much either." I lied

Robb nodded and hugged me tightly, tears prickled my eyes but I held them back.

"The wedding can't come soon enough." Robb whispered into my ear

"I agree." I whispered back, lying again.


Short chapter. I'm sorry. :3 Commenttt vote follow, you know. If anyone has any plot ideas for this story let me know. (: I know how the last couple chapters will go, I just need some more plots. Thanks guys.

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