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I signed running my fingers through my long dark hair, when I went to look for Robb and Jon, I had gotten lost. I seriously watched the direction they went in, how hard was it to follow that path? Apparently it was difficult for me.

I found myself in parts I had never seen before, Stopping, I looked around and decided to go back the way I came. Which way was that?

I turned again and looked around, the cold wind whipped in my face causing my hair to fly all around. I waited, listening for voices, but I couldn't hear anything. Frustrated, I decided to plop myself on the nearest rock. Someone would come looking for me right? Surely Robb would, maybe Jon too. My heart started to race, what if they never found me?

"Calm down Selena, it's okay." I breathed out and calmed down a bit.

A rustling came from near by. "Hello?" I called out my heart began to quicken again

You know that moment when you're so scared that you start to shake? You can't breathe? And It's impossible to move or run away? That's how I felt, the second I saw something in the bushes staring back at me.

All I could do was scream as loud as I could in hopes that someone would hear me.

Jons POV

Robb and I gave each other one look and began looking for Selena, she wasn't where we last saw her. She probably just went back to the castle, though, she wasn't to familar with the woods.

Suddenly a piercing scream was heard, I would never forget it, It would always haunt my dreams. I knew it was Selena I didn't even give Robb a thought, I ran in the direction it had come from and hoped to god I would find her.

"JON!" She screamed, that would sure piss Robb off later. I didn't care though, I had to find her.

Selenas POV

A man crawled out of the bush and kept crawling towards me, he had gashes all over his face and body. He looked as if he should be dead, I was frozen in fear, as he neared me. I then saw why he was crawling his legs were gone.

"Please stop, if you need help, I can help you, but you're scaring me." I pleaded. Nothing came from his mouth but grunts and grumbles. I started scooting back away from him, falling off of the rock, my head spun, and I yelled the first name that came to my mind.

"JON!" I screamed my head hurting worse from the action. I scooted farther and farther from the person or thing crawling towards me. Suddenly two figures were seen in the trees

"Help me" I whimpered, the figures must have heard me because a second later I heard "Selena, it's okay, I'm here."

"Jon." I whimpered before everything went black.

Robbs POV

Jon was taking care of the man crawling toward Selena. My heart almost stopped when she whimpered my brothers name instead of mine. Jon heard her say it to because he instantly looked at us and I looked at him. Anger filled my heart, jealousy, and pain. Sure whenever they told me that I would be marrying her I wasn't to happy, but over the last couple weeks I started to fall for this girl. The kiss made it offical, now Jon was the only thing in my way. He would no longer be talking to her though, so he wouldn't be a problem.

"Why was he acting like that?" I asked him. The mans head was no longer attached to his body, Jon did what he had to.

"I don't know, but we have to get Selena back to the castle."

"I know." I hissed picking her up bridal style and fast walking back to the castle. Jon trailed behind me not saying another word.

It was about damn time.


I'm updating more often because I have more readers.. Ahhh. Still fan girling over all of you.

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