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I stood on the balcony, waiting for the feast to start. Jons face burned into my head. He's a bastard child of Lord Stark, why am I even thinking about him, I had only just met him. His brother and I are doomed to be wed.

For a moment, I closed my eyes and let the wind lightly hit my face, blowing my hair back.

I can do this. I am strong.

"Young Lady Ravenwood, the feast is about to start." A voice came behind me.

"Thank you, I will be there shortly."Sighing, I turned around as the girl walked out my door, I suppose I should go find my mother and sister.

The hallway was bare of people, until I heard voices in a room near by.

"I don't want to do this mother! I barely know her." A man that sounded like Robb hissed

" I know, but you will and you will treat her with the up most respect. Do you understand me?" I'm guessing Lady Stark spat back.

Not wanting to easedrop any further, I quickened my pace.

I guess Robb didn't want to do this as much as I didn't, but he was putting on a good show. I on the other hand, was never good at pretending.

"Mother?" I whispered before opening her door.

"Oh hello sweet heart." She smiled at me, wearing a dress like Julias, but a darker blue and medium length sleeves.

"Are you both ready to go to the feast?" I questioned, as my sister walked out from the bath room.

As we all approached the large doors, I stopped, nerves kicking in.

"Mother, what if everyone in there hates me?"

"I've never met a sane person that has hated you, they will love you, just as your father and I love you." Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but my mother quickly drew them back, instead she gave me a great motherly hug and let the guards open the doors for us.

People were crowded everywhere in the rather large room, and now a long table sat in the middle with so much food, it could feed Ravenswood and WinterFell.

"Finally the guests of honor!" Lord Stark yelled over all the people and then they grew quite.

I froze, seeing so many people staring at me, judging me, you'd think I'd be used to it. But everyone back home mostly knew me my whole life, their was no need to stare.

"Lady Ravenwood and her daughters Selena and Julia!" He said quieter this time, but still loud enough for everyone to hear, Robb quickly accompanied me to the table and had me sit next to him.

I looked up from my empty plate to see Jon staring at me, with his deep brown eyes.

"Before we begin the feast, I'd like to make an announcement." Lord Stark spoke loud enough for the room to hear. "My eldest son, Robb is engaged to be wed to Selena Ravenwood, the beautiful girl sitting next to him." Jons eyes have not left mine, until Julia kicked me from under the table, I came back to reality quickly and smiled up at Lord Stark.

"Selena, It will be an honor to have you in the family." My heart sank, as Robb kissed my cheek, for good show. I smiled and giggled, like a normal girl would. Lord Stark sat down and everyone started eating, I glanced over at my sister, she was staring dreamingly at young Bran, who was picking out his peas. All around the table everyone looked happy, I then saw Jon again who was having a jolly conversation with some man I did not know.

"Selena?" Robb asked next to me, I hesitated and then let my gaze fall upon him. "I'd like to have a word with you after the feast when everyone is dancing and such." I nodded, The feast ended, when the dancing begun Robb grabbed my hand and hurried me off threw the doors, down the hallway, and into another room which looked like a library.

Before he could say a word I blurted out "I heard your mother and you speaking earlier, when I was on my way to see my mother."

His eyes grew wide, "What did you hear?"

"Just that you said you couldn't do this, that you barley knew me. It was nothing major, I just felt bad so I had to tell you."

Robb chuckled and shook his head, "You know, the more I talk to you the easier this is going to get." You've talked to my twice, how is this getting any easier?

"I hope so, It's just that I hardly know you and I honestly don't want to do this." I quickly let out and then covered my mouth and stared at him in horror. Robb marched out of the room passing Jon on the way out.

"You deal with her" he said rushing off mumbling something about me being stubborn. Jon glanced over at me and then back to his brother before walking over to me, I plopped on the chair behind me and folded my arms over my chest.

"He'll grow on you."Jon let me know, then kneeled on the ground to my eye level.

"Let him grow on someone else." I spat looking away from his beautiful brown eyes.

"You are stubborn, aren't you?" Jon smirked and gave me an innocent look. I silently glared at him from my seat.

"Let's go back," He said gently before getting up and offering me his hand for the second time today, I took it greatfully and once again sparks and tingles went threw my whole body. Jon must have felt it to, because he wasn't letting go of my hand and his eyes were boaring into mine.

"Selena I'm sorry I-" we both jumped apart and stared over at Robb, who was looking at us blankly. Jon quickly retracted his hand from mine.

"Did I interupt something?" Robb asked eyeing our hands.

"No, I was convincing her to come back to the feast, but she's a fiesty one." Jon chuckled and I glared up at him. Robb walked over to us and put his arm around my shoulder.

"I can take it from here brother, thank you." poision dripped with his words, like he knew what I had just felt for Jon a second ago. Jon bowed his head as in saying you're welcome and stocked away.

"I'm sorry, This is all just overwhelming, it's hard."

"I know."

"What am I thinking of course you do, except you had to come to a new land, surrounded by people you don't know."

"Exactly." How could he have not see that before?

"Let's go back, before they notice we left."

Robb led me back into the feast hall, just as Lord Stark was standing up by his throne type chair and scanned the crowd looking for someone.

"Robb, Selena, come up here. " He smiled "Everyone as you all know these two are going to be wed, the date of their wedding is in four months time, you are all invited. We're waiting that long so that way people can travel great miles just to see this outstanding event." Everyone clapped and cheered and the dancing began again.

How is that a long time?

Robb stiffened next to me and then grabbed my hand and squeezed it, my stomach turned and I looked over at Robbs hands confused, maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought, I mean, Robbs handsome, he doesn't seem mean or cruel, and he's a bit understanding. Hopefully Jon was right, hopefully Robb Stark will grow on me.

Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now