Thinking Of You

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"And for the hundredth time, I am truly sorry Selena." Robb sighed leaving the room. He came to apologize again, I wasn't having it though. He ruined my life, he manipulated me, lied to me, and took away any chance I had at happiness with Jon.

But the last part wasn't entirely his fault. I should have ran away with him when I had the chance, I should have listened to my heart. I knew I would forgive Robb and even Lady Catelyn eventually, but not right now. It was to soon, I just wanted to be alone.

My mother was taking me back with her tomorrow morning, this would be my last night in the castle and I would never see the Stark family again. I had already said my goodbyes, in case I didn't see everyone in the morning. Arya would be the one I missed the most here, she reminded me so much of Julia, that I couldn't help but love her to.

They had a great feast in our honor that night, clearing up and misleading rumors that some of the towns people may have come up with. Lady Catelyn did not join us, I assumed she was embarrassed by her actions.

Robb made eye contact with me from across the table, searching my face for something. I gave him a small smile and he broke out into a grin. I guess that was my way of saying 'I forgive you'

It was a wonderful night, filled with laughter and happiness. The pain still lingered in me, the wounds to fresh to heal, I knew that someday I would be okay, just not right now.

Time heals all wounds


I stepped onto the balcony taking a deep breath of the early morning air. Closing my eyes, I sighed, letting the wind blow gently against my face.

"Enjoying the view?" I froze, feeling my stomach do flips and spins. I didn't move in fear that the voice I heard wasn't actually there, that I was imagining it.

"If you stand like that long enough you'll turn into a statue." The voice joked, I turned quickly, almost crying at the sight of the man in front of me.

"Jon." I breathed out pushing myself back against the railing. There he stood, in all his glory. Handsome as ever, he stared at me with those deep brown eyes that sent my heart into a frenzy. "What are you doing here?" I managed to blurt out.

"I was thinking.." He trailed taking a small step forward.


"You, I was thinking about you Selena."


"I thought that I'd be okay without you, that the wall was the best choice for me and I could forget all about you." He paused, taking another step forward, looking a bit unsure. "Then I saw you earlier, covered in mud and rain, telling me that you loved me and I realized.."

Jon stood inches from me, I couldn't think straight. I wondered silently if he could hear how loud my heart was beating. His hair blew slightly back giving me the best view of his attractive face.

"I love you, I've always loved you. I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier when you were pouring your heart out to me. I'm so sorry." Before I could react, telling him that he doesn't have to be sorry, his hand found it's way behind my head and pulled my face towards his, kissing me with so much passion I would remember it forever. His other hand was placed on my waist, as I tangled my hands in his hair.

I've wanted this for so long, that it was almost surreal. Jon pulled me closer, departing from the kiss but keeping our faces close. I couldn't wait for the next kiss already.

"A lot of people aren't going to be happy about this." He muttered, placing his forehead against mine.

"I don't care." I whispered back causing him to smile before he kissed me again.

And I didn't, my father would be furious along with most of my family but none of that mattered anymore. Jon was mine, we were so in love, and nothing could ruin this for us, at least at the moment.



I can't believe the story is over, I hope those who read it enjoy it. I never thought anyone would read any of my stories so I'm really thankful for you guys. (:

Maybe there's a book 2 in the future? I don't know.. (;

Don't forget to vote and comment! I love you guys!

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