How To Break A Heart

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I'm dedicating this chapter to @SarahDirectionerxx because shes secretly a fan girl over my story and shes been supportive with this from the beginning. Thanks for being so nice!(: And to everyone else who's reading this thank you!(:


"She's sleeping, you'll have to come back later."

"I just want to make sure she's alright."

"Arya, no ones suppose to be in here. I'm not even suppose to be in here, but I begged the doctor for half an hour and I'm her future husband!" The voices sounded so familiar, why would I place them? I went to move but pain shot up in my arm, once again memories flashed back to last night. Julia! I had to make she she's alright, I have to make sure that shes safe.

"Julia!" I screamed bolting up, someone was there to whisper soothing words in my ear. I calmed down a bit, "My sister.. is she okay?" I asked looking up to see a confused looking Robb.

"As far as I know." He answered honestly placing a hand on my leg.

"What happened?" He asked after I didn't say anything, I couldn't tell him. I couldn't tell anyone.

"I don't know." I lied looking past Robb and at Arya. She ran over to the other side of the bed and hugged me.

"I'm okay." I whispered hugging her back tightly. Arya said goodbye and left after we hugged for a little while.

"She was the one that found you, I guess she had a nightmare and came in here to talk to you. She found you on the ground in a pool of your own blood. The doctor said if she hadn't walked in when she did, you would be dead." Robb looked grief stricken, I guess they cut pretty deep last night. They probably meant to, just to make sure I knew they meant business.

"That poor girl." I finally said running a finger over my large cloth bandage.

"How are you feeling?" Lady Stark stood in the doorway, staring down at my arm.

"I'm alright, thanks for asking." Was it just me or did she not seem sincere about this.

"Good. Are you up for flower shopping today?"

"I -"Before I could finish Robb gave his mother a look, that I couldn't quite understand what was going on here.

"She needs to rest." Robb finally said breaking the silence conversation they were having.

"Of course. Feel better dear." She grinned before walking out of the room.

"Am I missing something?" I questioned giving Robb a long stare. He avoided my question and turned to look at the door, as if someone might be there.

"Robb, what's going on?" I said lighter this time, I placed a hand on his. Hoping he could fill me or would at least tell me why his mother was acting stranger than normal.

"I don't know, father thinks it was an attack on you because they don't want our families to merge." I knew that wasn't the case, but I nodded in understanding.

"I don't want your life to be in danger Selena." He sighed, bowing his head. Did he really care that much about me?

"Maybe we should call off the wedding." He added sadly.

"No!" I basically shouted. The men from last night said that I had to marry Robb or they would murderer everyone I love.. including Jon. I can't let that happen.

"I was hoping you would say that." Robb grinned, kissed my cheek and left the room mummbling something about more guards.

I waited til night fall came and the doctor left to escape, I opened the door of my room and ran straight into a guard I hadn't seen yet.

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