Shake It Off

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I felt someone rubbing small circles in my back, it felt nice. When I rolled over Robb sat next to my bed with a worried expression on his face. 

"How are you feeling?"  

I squinted my eyes a bit, what had happened? I thought back, flashs of red hair and I quickly shook my head trying to forget. 

"I feel better, how long have you been here?" His tired eyes told me that he's been sitting there awhile.  

"All night." He muttered looking across the room and out the window.  

"I'm sorry."  

His head shot back to me and Robb frowned. 

"No, I'm sorry Selena, I shouldn't snap at you like that. You should be treated with more respect." 

"Thank you." I whispered quietly, Robb leaned over and kissed my lips softly. When he started to pull away I lightly tugged his shirt to make him come back down. He kissed me again before sitting back down in his chair. There was no emotion in the kiss, no tiny little spark. Not like the kiss with Jon, that was something I had never experienced before, I probably never would again.  

"I'm tired of laying in this bed." I huffed causing Robb to chuckle. 

"Well come on then." He extended his hand and helped me up. I scurried off to the wash room to change and fix my hair. When I was done Robbs back was turned to me as he stood in the doorway talking to another person in the hallway. 

I silently crept closed, not ease dropping just, being a curious girl.  

"She doesn't want to talk to you." Robb hissed at the other person. 

"Please Robb." The other person pleaded, it was Jon. I could tell by the husky voice. 


"Robb I-" 


"But I have to explain So-" 

"No." Robb sounded kind of like a child not sharing his toy with his sibling.  

If I wasn't so upset from last night I would have found it funny. 

"He's right." This voice was not either of the boys in front of me. When it came out both of them turned to look at me, apparently I said it. 

I walked up beside Robb and held onto his hand.  

"I don't want to talk to you." That was my final sentence, Jon looked like he could cry. I didn't care though, let him feel horrible. Let him regret his night with that red head. Let him remember my horrifed expression as I saw her stripping off her clothes and them kissing lustfully. Let him hurt, just like I am. 

You will rue the day you broke my heart Jon Snow. That sounded scary, but seriously. Saying you have feelings for someone, kissing them, then that night taking a whore to your bed? That's ridiculous. I shouldn't care though, I have Robb.  

Robb smiled down at me and kissed my cheek as Jon stocked away.  

"Let's go somewhere." Robb spoke up tearing me from my thoughts. 

"Okay." I agreed, feeling a little down. I have to shake it off, I thought to myself as I smiled up at Robb who was walking with me down the hallway.  

"What was that all about?" He finally asked like I knew he would.  

"He wants to talk to me, I just don't want to talk to him." It was an honest answer, just not the whole truth.  

"Fair enough."  

Was all Robb said, We walked in silence down the road to the market street.  

"I love this place." I commented smiling at some children running by, minus what happened a couple days ago, I still liked it here. The people weren't all that bad.  

Robb walked me over to a stand with jewelry everywhere, I grinned at the shiny objects like a child.  

A beautiful necklace sat in front of me, asking to be held.  

I picked it up and played with the chain of it, a small turqoise stone was the main part of it. The lady at the stand stared at me, waiting for something.  

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm just looking." I smiled at the stocky women and sat the necklace back down. She gave me a slight glare and turned to the next customer. 

"She was super nice." I said sarcastically expecting Robb to still be beside me but Robb was no where to be found, I looked all around me and didn't see the Stark boy.  

There was a crowd of people yelling down the busy street, everyone was gathering around something. I hurried closer lightly pushing past a ton of people.  

The next thing I saw shocked me, Robb Stark was fighting with Jon Snow. And Jon was winning.

Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now