Never Again

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150 reads, heck yes! When I first started writing I thought like 4 people would read it. So thank you to all my readers. You guys are fantastic. (:  

I made Selenas face claim Emma Watson, with dark hair of course, cause she's all kinds of beautiful. 


The stupid butterflies in my stomach started to act up the second Robb asked for forgivness. I didn't really have a choice anyways, we would be spending the rest of our lives together regardless. 

I let out a loud sigh "I don't know." I smirked 

Robb frowned until he saw my smile 

"Anything I can do to change your mind? He questioned taking a step closer to me. 

"Well..." trailing off I put my face closer to his, breathing on his lips.  

I heard him gulp and that made me giggle inwardly. 

"I really want a pony." I stated walking away from him a little ways. 

"Wait what?" He asked following me like a lost child. I laughed at his face expression and he started to laugh with me. Once we stopped we both looked into each others eyes, his blue ones poured into mine. I knew I had forgiven him, "Please don't ever hit me again." I whispered as he closed our bodies gap and hugged me tightly. Resting my head on his shoulders and my arms around his neck I heard him whisper "Never again." I just let it happen, I wouldn't fight that feeling in the pit of my stomach that screamed this is wrong. I wouldn't fight my heart when it whispered nonsence to me. I wasn't listening to my brain when it told me to run.  

Robb let go of me and slowly leaned in, his eyes never leaving mine. His face was so close, I just let my eyes shut on their own. Then he kissed me, It was a sweet and tender kiss. There was no excitment, no spark. I'm sure after awhile I will learn to enjoy it more.  

He pulled away and studied my eyes for something.  

Someone cleared their throat, Robb and I turned around quickly to see Jon. For some reason I felt guilty. Why on earth would I feel that? Jon avoided my gaze "Robb, Can I have a word with you?" I don't know what happened next. But I was left there all alone, Robb said something to me as he walked away but I didn't understand. My heart was beating way to fast and my brain was going crazy. Jon just saw us kiss, but why would I care if he saw? He was going to see us kiss tons of times and see us wed in a couple months. I don't care if he saw, I have to tell myself that I don't care.  

Hey wait where are they going? I want to go to.

Robbs POV

I followed Jon farther away from my Selena, our kiss still lingering on my lips.  

Jons lips were moving. Was he saying something?  


"I said, What is your deal brother?" Jon glared standing his ground.  

"My deal, is that if you don't stay away from my fiance, you'll be sorry" It was simple, why didn't he get that? 


"I don't like the way you look at her, she's mine. Don't forget that." 

Jon shook his head and nodded. Agreeing to stay away from her I hope. "When do you leave?" I asked before I heard a noise in the bushes 

"Who goes there?" I grabbed my sword handle and waited. 

Two figures came out from under the bushes both with cheeky grins.  

"Bran, Arya. Were you two spying on us?" I chuckled along with Jon. They were such characters sometimes. 

"What? no. We were..... checking for berries." Arya smiled nudging Bran who then nodded too. 

"Did you find any?" Jon added 

"Oh.. no. None here, let's keep looking Bran." Arya dragged our poor brother off in the castles direction.  

"I better get back to Selena." leaving Jon standing there I went to look for my fiance, but when I went to the spot I had left her, she was gone. Jon stood behind me thinking the same thing. My heart began to race, where could she have gone to?

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