Run Away

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I'm very happy with this chapter, so I hope you guys like it too. :3 If you're a One Direction fan you should go read my other fan fiction it's called soulmates. Thank you. (: Sorry for this long awaited chapter. Vote and comment!! (: 


 *One week later*

That night, when I lay in my room I couldn't help but imagine how bad this is all going to turn out. Then again, I wasn't even sure if Jon wanted to be with me or if he just wanted me, as in a physical want. Little pebbles started flying through my window, I carefully walked to the balcony door avoiding the pebbles coming at me. I opened the doors and a sheepish looking Jon staring up at me. 

"Hello beautiful." He yell whispered, I shook my head at him before replying "Jon Snow what are you doing? " I tried to sound angry, but my face showed how happy I was to see him. 

"Climb down." I was afraid he'd say that. I looked to the ground, I was on the second floor. 

"How about I just walk around." I begged not taking my eyes off the horrifying fall I would probably take. 

"Someone might see you." I nodded my head and looked to the vines coming up the wall.  

"Will you catch me if I fall?" I said waiting for his answer before I went down to my journey.  

"Yes." He said softly, making me think I didn't hear it at all. I started down the vines, surprisingly they held me pretty well, my heart went crazy in my chest, and suddenly my foot slipped as I was over halfway down.  

I suppressed my scream and turned in hast to find Jon below me holding out his arms. 

"Jump." He said, waiting for me to do so. I did as I was told, putting all of my faith in him. I let go and shut my eyes, hoping there was no hard fall. An arm grasped my shoulder and then the back of my knees. Opening my eyes, I saw an amused looking Jon holding me.  

"I told you I'd catch you." He whispered setting me back down on my feet.  

"Thank you." I said back, Jon took my hand and let me off into the night. The cold wind nipped at my face, I should have brought a fur coat. 

Sensing my coldness, Jon wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him.  

"Where are we going?" I asked resting my head on his chest.  

"You'll see."  

As I suspected, Jon led me to the garden. We sat on the bench just as we did awhile ago. 

"I was thinking.." He finally muttered out, running a hand threw his shoulder length black hair.  

"That's never good." I chocked out playing with the end of my hair.  

"We could run away together." His idea made me think that it could work for a second, but I changed my mind quickly.  

"If I ran away my father and mother would never let me see little Julia again. We wouldn't be welcomed anywhere, Jon you would be sentensed to death for capturing a lords daughter. Of course that's not what you would be doing, but I know that's how my father would see it. I can't..." I trailed off still fidgeting with my hair.  

"You're right." His voice saddened me, it sounded so sad and desperate for an answer. 

"Maybe your father would understand.." This time Jon perked up a bit, "Yeah maybe he would!"  

"Lady Stark won't though." 

"She hates me." He commented looking up at the sky. 

"She hates me also." 

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