The Revenge of the Maid

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Andddd here's another chapter, I made you guys wait so long I thought two back to back chapters would help a little bit.


I woke up covered in dust or dirt, I'm not really sure. It was a small dark room, I could make out a cold fireplace, a small cot covered in hay, and a table. Where on earth was I? Julia! Where was Julia? She's going to think I abandoned her, I have to get out of here.

I stood up a little to fast and fell onto the cot type bed dizzy.

"Awh, is the princess a little woozy?" I hadn't noticed the door with a tiny window covered in prison bars.

I tried to get a better look at the female voice that mocked me, but it was no use. I was to dizzy and it was to dark.

"I bet you don't remember me." She continued "but I'm Robb's lover. Not just that, I'm his one true love and you my dear, are standing in the way of our happiness." The girl Robb was sleeping with? Is that who that is?

"Kira?" I asked

"Yes! And you're Selena, the great and wonderful Selena. Pathetic if you ask me. You had the choice marrying a great man like Robb, and yet you chose to love his bastard of a brother? You deserve to be locked in here for that reason alone."

"You don't chose who you love." I defended annoyed by the jealous maid.

"Exactly, that's why you must understand that I can't let you marry my soulmate."

"You're going to keep me in here til after the wedding?!" I jumped up not caring about the throbbing pain in my head.

"No, just until they realize you're gone and call off the wedding."

"No! You don't understand if I don't marry him bad things will happen! My sister, they'll kill her!" I cried out hoping she would understand.

"Ha! Like I would believe that, you just want him to yourself, to become a lords wife someday. But that's my man and my place! I will not have stealing what I worked so hard for!" She spat before disappearing.

"No please! Please!" I begged tears streaming down my face, I looked out the small bared window on the door and saw a flight of stairs but that was it. How could someone be so cruel? I guess love will make you do crazy things, not that that's a good excuse for locking someone in a tiny dirt filled room.

***Julia's POV****

It's been hours since Selena went to find Jon, hours. My sister would never leave me alone for that long, so I set off to find Jon's house or whatever, after asking a couple people it was pretty easy to find. I knocked a couple of times before an annoyed looking Jon opened the door.

"Julia? What are you doing here?" He questioned the anger gone from his face.

"My sister, have you seen her? She went after you earlier when we saw you in the market and she hadn't came back since."

He sighed, running his fingers through his shoulder length hair.

"No. It's not my job to keep track of her. Go ask her husband."

"Please Jon, something is wrong I can feel it."

He mumbled a couple of things and then closed the door behind him, "alright let's go." I smiled a little and we set off to find her.

After about an hour of searching and asking people if the had seen her we decided to go back to the Stark castle to see if she was there.

"Has Selena came through here?" I asked the guards at the main gate.

"No." He simply stated not even giving me a glance.

Well then.

"She's missing, send a search party out to look for her." I demanded glaring at the large man. He finally looked down at me, but with an amused expression.

"And why would I listen to a small child like you?"

"Because she is my future sister in law, do as she says." A slightly harsh voice came from behind us.

Robb watched then man scatter around for a second and then run off, probably to find more men.

"Where did you last see her?" He questioned bending down to my level. He truly was handsome, I wish everything wasn't so complicated, and Selena could have loved him.

"The market" Jon spoke up, but quickly added more when Robb gave him a certain look. "Julia found my house and asked me to help look. That's all."

"Well you're no longer needed." He spat back before going into the castle.

"He's not very nice." Jon chuckled at my statement and shook his head.

"No, he's just jealous. He thinks I'm going to steal Selena away from him."

"Well why don't you?" I must have stunned him because he looked speechless. It was my turn to laugh at him.

"Selena tells me things."

"Like what things?"

"You know Jon, that she loves you but someone is stopping her from being with you."

"Yeah well, it's for the best. She's a lords daughter, she's meant for this life style." He motioned towards the castle "and I'm a bastard. It never would have worked anyways. I know she loves Robb, they'll be happy together." Jon finished his speech and left. Not wanting to let me get another word in, so I shouted at him. Shows him.

"IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT SHE WOULD BE HAPPY WITHOUT YOU, YOU'RE WRONG SNOW!" He didn't say anything to me, instead he kept walking. He had to know I was right, I don't care the circumstances, I may be young, but I know true love is something to fight for. Now these two idiots needed to learn that to.

"Let's go." Robb came out a moment later with a few guards. "We searched the castle just to make sure she wasn't here. I'm having men look around the grounds and these men are going to help us look where you last saw her."

I grinned and nodded, letting Robb lead me to the market quietly hoping he didn't hear what I said (yelled) to Jon.

****Lady Ravenwoods POV****

"No. She wouldn't do that." I politely disagreed with Catelyn.

"No offense, but you haven't been here. I'm guessing she ran away with her lover, the bastard."


"She's been messing around with my husbands bastard son. They were even planning on running away together. I'm guessing that's where she went."

"My daughter would never disgrace her family like that, you must be mistaken."

"I better be, for your sake."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Is she threatening me?

"You'll see." Was all the lady said before leaving me alone to my thoughts. I hope they find Selena soon, I'm getting a bad feeling.


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