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"And this will be your room." The blue eyed boy cooed and opened the door. I stepped inside to see a fairly large queen sized bed, the color of maroon. The walls were the same, a large set of doors sat in the cornor next to a dresser of some sort. I couldn't help myself, slightly running to the doors and pushing them open. A balcony was on the other side, I could see for miles, It was so beautiful that the young lords presence went unnoticed.

"I thought you might like this."

Smirking a little, I turned to face him. Robb Stark stood there, in all his glory. He was handsome, his hair slightly messy, and since the sun was going down his blue eyes shinned.

"And what if I hadn't? What then?" I questioned still smirking a bit, "What if I had the fear of heights?"

His face became puzzled for a second and then he commented back "The moment I saw you, I knew you were not any regualr common girl. I knew you were special." Robb took a step closer making me more nervous than I'd like to admit.

"How?" I took a step back, feeling the wooden railing press against the small of my back.

"Perhaps it was the way your green eyes shined."

He stepped even closer to me, letting his hand grace the side of my face.

"But then again maybe I'm just blinded by your beauty." He statted lingering his eyes on my lips. I quickly slipped around him and started walking back into my new room.

" That's probably it young Lord Stark, now if you don't mind, I have a feast to get ready for." I smiled, letting him know I wasn't being rude. Inside my stomach was having a crazy tingling fest. Robb was to close for comfort five seconds ago, and I couldn't figure out how that made me feel. Sure he was handsome and all, but I wasn't that stupid, why would I let someone that close so soon?

Because you're going to marry him A stupid voice in my head said, giving me a slight frown on my face.

"Of course my lady, I will see you soon."He grasped my hand and kissed it lightly with his rough lips before exiting.

Sighing, I began getting ready, as my ladies in waiting rushed in a dress the color of my eyes.

"It's beautiful"I exclaimed running into the wash room to put it on.

" A gift from young lord Robb Stark."

Suddenly the dress seemed slightly less appealing. Robb seemed sweet also, I was lucky to be marrying someone so fit. But being the girl I am, I've always want to decide things on my own, it would be a difficult task, marrying a man I do not love. I could get by it though.. right?

The emerald color dress complimented all my features, my curves, my breasts, my eyes, my pink plump lips, and it was short sleeved so I wouldn't get so hot this evening. My chocolate brown long wavy/curly hair lay down just past my boobs.

"Will you braid my hair up?" I questioned to one of the girls. "of course my lady!" she gushed before starting on my hair, she left my side swept bangs down, to finish off the hair style.

Awhile later my younger sister rushed in and closed the door.

" There is a boy out there, and he's soooooo cute.." she gushed opening the door a bit to peak out. I peaked out too, a small boy about my sisters age stood in the hall way talking to someone, I couldn't see the other persons face, but I saw the younger one smiling, so it wasn't that important.

"That's Bran, younger brother to Robb."I whispered remembering mother talking about all the children of the Starks, she smiled sadly.

"A last, our love is forbidden." Julia sighed and closed the door. I stared at her like she had grown three heads, to say she was dramatic, was an understatement.

"Oh hush." she hissed, I finally got a look at her dress, it was a lighter blue with long sleeves and down to her ankles. It also matched her eyes, whoever picked out her dress had good taste.

"You look beautiful little sister." I smiled sadly, this was probably one of the last moments we had together.

"As do you, sister " tears threatened her eyes, she knew it too. A moment of silence over filled us as we shut the door, we hugged almost automatically, Julia made quiet sobs and I held her tighter. Julia was probably the closest person to me. We grew up together, she was my best friend, despite the age difference.

"Don't cry, you can come visit, and see your forbidden love." She glared up at me as I chuckled. The crying fest was now gone and she lightly smaked me on the arm.

"Hey! lets go see if they're still out there!" little Julia ran to the door and I followed, they were in fact both still standing there chatting away. Who has conversations in the middle of the hallways?

"Is Robb upset about all this?" A husky voice asked.

"No, I think he already likes her."

"I bet she's hideous. But then again I've never seen a single person from Ravenwood. They keep to themselves. She's probably as mean as a snake to. "

I silently glared at the taller figure. He had dark hair that went to his shoulder by the looks of it, he was probably around my age or a little older like Robb.

"Have you talked to her yet?" The tall one asked.

"No, I've just seen her mother down the hall there."

"Ow" Julia whispered, I accidently stepped on her foot trying to hear better.

"Im sorry," I stated, stepping back, except clumsy me stepped on her foot again while she was trying to move it, so we both ended up falling forward.

The door swung open while Julia and I both fell to the floor making a loud crashing noise.

Two gasps were heard then a lot of laughing, my hair was covering my face so I couldn't see Bran and the other man. A hand apperared in front of me, "Let me help you." The more manly of the twos voices said. I hesitated, before letting him help me up. His touch sent sparks threw my whole body and instantly I let go, and fell backwards once again.

"Woah." Came out of my mouth but the man offered his hand again and helped me up.

"I'm sorry" He stated and then gasped as I looked up into his eyes. For the first time I saw his face, he has deep brown eyes that I couldn't draw myself away from.

We stood staring at each other for a a good while.

"Who are you?" I whispered

"Jon Snow" He muttered, lightly touching the end of my braid.

"Are you a Stark?" Julia bluntly asked, she tends to do that.

"Kind of, Hes my fathers son but not my mothers." Bran smiled up at Jon, I could tell he loved him.

"So you're a bastard?" Julia asked wide eyed.

"Julia!" I hissed looking up at Jon, who was a half a head taller than me.

"Yes." He said flatly, Pain trickled his eyes, while he looked into mine.

"Well, it was nice to meet you both, " I smiled taking my sisters hand and taking a step back from Jon.

"Will we see you both at the party?" Julia questioned as we turned to leave.

Yes, see you there." Bran said back and I smiled a bit as we walked in my room and closed the door.

"Selena what happened out there?"

"I don't know," But I'm scared, I let myself slide to the floor and put my hands over my eyes. I've never felt so attached to someone before, it was like an instant attraction. Julia sighed and set next to me, rubbing my back. I don't know how long we sat like this, but she left a little while later leaving me to my own thoughts.

I can do this

Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now