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This is just a small filler chapter, the next one will be longer. :3 vote and comment for me, you guys are amazing, I love you! Xx


This is stupid. A jealous little maid trapped me in a stupid room with a stupid itchy bed. It's ironic really, I don't want the man she loves, yet here I am, paying the price for being forced into marrying him.

"Here." My head snapped up to see Kira's arm through the bars, handing me.. Food? Is this some kind of trick?

"Is it poisoned?" I hissed not moving from my spot. She retracted her arm at my harsh tone.

"No, I want to keep you away from Robb not kill you. Not yet anyways."

I rolled my eyes but stood up to grab the half loaf of bread.

"Thanks." I couldn't sound sincere, it was more of a monotone sound.

"Whatever." She snapped leaving me again, I have to get out of here. It's only been a few hours, I think, but I had to escape and get to my wedding, which was only a few days away.

I tried busting down the door, but my small figure instantly collided with the hard wood and fell to the cold dirty floor.

"Probably not the best idea." I silently noted to myself not to try that again. My next plan was to see if the brick walls were somehow falling apart and I could make a hole in them. That plan failed more miserably than the last.

I'm stuck here, I let myself fall onto the uncomfortable cot. Silent tears escaped my eyes, I would never see Julia again, my mother, Arya, Bran, or even Jon..

Maybe Julia was right, maybe love is worth risking it all. Lying in the cold forsaken place made me come to a quick realization I should have seen to begin with. I have to find a way to protect Julia, because the hard cold truth is, I can't live without Jon Snow.


A few hours after Robb 'dismissed me' from trying to find Selena, I decided that I couldn't just sit around and wait for something bad to happen. I know she didn't run away, she wouldn't risk her family like that. Something is wrong.

"Kira?" I questioned, it meant to be in my mind but somehow I said it aloud. Robb's mistress turned on her heels and stared me down, why was she in town? It's not uncommon for maids to live here, but she looked as if she was up to no good.

"Oh Snow, hardly recognized you. How are you?" Her eyes shifted around her and looked back the way she came.

"I'm alright.. Are you okay?" I tried to sound sincere, she couldn't make eye contact with me.

"I'm alright, heading to work. Bye now." With that she hurried off in the direction of Starks castle. How odd. What an odd women.

Thinking nothing of it, I kept walking. Asking merchants and tailors if they had seen Robb's future wife, not that I used those exact words. Selena Ravenwood, is what I asked, but most came up with the question of 'oh, is that Robb's fiancé?' Or 'who?'

Ridiculous, really.

It's strange how two days before the wedding she goes missing, after she told me someone wanted her to marry Robb so bad they would threaten her. Did she run away like most assume? Doubt crossed my mind, we talked had about running away together, before she told me she didn't have feelings for me anymore. A tinge of pain echoed through my heart.

Wait.. Kira..

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