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When I walked back to my room, thoughts of Jon took over my brain. What does it all mean? Why do I feel like this?

My stomach filled with butterflies at the minor thought of him.

This is bad. This is very bad.

I think..

Oh no. I stopped in my tracks, my thought process stopped before I even let it go there. I shook it off and continued to my room. It was going to be a long night.

The next morning, I was awoken by an frantic looking maid.

"I'm sorry young Lady Ravenwood but Lady Stark has requested to speak with you."

My reply was a grumple and a grunt.

"Now." She continued, not sounding mean, but as if she felt sorry for me. With realization my eyes widened.

What if Theon had told her? What if..

Quickly getting dressed and fixing my hair I basically ran to the throne room where the maid, Rosie, told me to meet her.

As I entered the room two people arose from the chairs.

Lord Stark motioned me over, with Lady Stark standing by expectantly.

"Selena." His eyes were emotionless, my heart faced faster, whatever he was about to say was bad.

"My wife has brought a point to my eyes and I thought I should inform you of our decision."

OFF WITH HER HEAD I swear, that's what I thought they were about to say.

"We're going to have the wedding a month earlier, so instead of three months away it's two months away."

I thought I was going to puke, that was all they had to say to me? It was bad news, but not as bad as I expected.

"Thank you Lord and Lady Stark." I said politly.

"No worries my dear, we will send out the invitations very soon." Lady Stark had a glint in her eye, that I could not yet place, but it wasn't good.

"Thank you." I said again, Lord Stark smiled and motioned for me to go, I happily did to.

I need to tell Arya, where is that girl?

I searched for the young Stark girl, all the way out to the stables where Jon, Robb, and Bran practiced archery.

"There's my beautiful wife." Robb smirked giving Jon a quick glance.

"Not yet." I tried to say as nice and jokingly as possible but Jon picked up on my harshness. He gave me a look, that told me to be nice. I'm always nice, don't question my authority Jon.

I smiled a little bit at my thoughts, Robb smiled to for a completly different reason.

"They told you that they moved the wedding up?" Robb fiddled with an arrow, Jons head shot up, apparently no one told him.

"They just did, do you know why?" I asked still wondering.

"I have an idea." He looked over at Jon and then to me.

Oh yes, he definatly heard about last night.

"Selena? Would you like to take a walk?"

Nodding I started walking with out him, not daring to look at Jon. Robb soon was in sync with my steps.

"He comforted me while I was upset. The rest is Theon telling a maid to lie." I stated when we were a good distance away, Robb nodded and sighed "I know."

"What?" Confusion hit me

"Theon told me everything about 10 minutes before you got there."


"Do you love him?"

"Who? Theon? no! He's a pervert."

"No, Jon."

"No. I barely know him, he's just always around when I need him."

"He has a hard time staying away from you, I'm sure."

"Why would he...?" I trailed off running my fingers through my now tangled hair, the wind was violent today, a feeling of cold was lingering in the air.

"Are you serious?" Robb spat stopping in his tracks.

I kept silent as he continued

"I swear, Selena you're so blind."

Robb stomped away as Arya walked up to me.

"He's right you know." Arya smirked, putting her hands on her hips.

"About what?"

"You being blind."

"I can see perfectly fine Arya! I don't know what everyeone is talking about anymore!" Frustrated I started to walk away from her.

"Jon loves you." She said quietly,

I froze, everything in me tingled "What did you say?"

"Jon loves you." This time it was louder and more clear.

"That's not funny Arya." I turned to face the small girl, she had no smile on her face.

"I'm not being funny, everyone knows it, everyone sees it, that's why you're blind, you're the only one who doesn't." She was frustrated she stomped away from me and off in the distance. Tears strung my eyes, everything was so confusing. I had to find the center of all of it, Jon.

Quickly walking back to stables Jon and Bran were in the almost exact same spots as when I left them.

"Jon, can I speak to you?" Jon hadn't noticed me standing there until then. His eyes widened at my tears and he followed me away from Bran so he was out of hearing distance.

"Selena what's wrong?' He pushed my hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes at his touch.

"Do you love me?" I blurted out, opening my eyes, heart racing and beating so loud I'm suprised he didn't hear it.

His face changed quickly at my question. He looked like he was fighting with himself again.



Okay so, you guys are amazing. (:

Here's your longggg awaited chapter, it took so long because I had half of this chapter done, decided I hated it, and deleted it all. lol.

I'm already working on the next chapter so it won't be that long away. Pinky Promise.


That is all, (:

Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now