Worth the Risk?

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Two days before the wedding

"Stop eating that! You're going to get fat before your wedding!" Sansa hissed at me from across the table as I shoved a biscuit into my mouth. I rolled my eyes at the heartless red head and swallowed my food. Arya giggled beside me, causing me to elbow her playfully. I'm trying to pretend like everything is going to be okay, that everything will fall into place and I will be happy in the end. Unfortunately, happiness comes with a price now. My family is due to arrive this afternoon, I'm excited to say the least.

I watched as Robb walked into the dining hall and took a seat next to me.

"Hello future wife." He grinned patting my leg and then preparing to eat his breakfast. Future wife.. Not something I really want to think about at the moment.

"Lady Selena, your mother and sister have arrived."

Instead of answering Robb I jumped up and bolted out the door. Julia. I get to see Julia. I stopped running when I arrived outside of the main doors. Julia was ungracefully getting off of her horse.

"Julia!" My younger sister turned around and ran the short distance towards me.

"I missed you." She breathed out hugging me tightly. I know it's only been a few months but I feel like my blonde hair and blued eyed sister has grown.

"Did you get taller?" I broke away and looked suspiciously at her. She grinned and nodded before our mother walked over.

"Selena, it's good to see you."

"You as well mother." A quick hug was exchanged and then I led them into the Starks castle.

A maid showed them to their room which wasn't to far from mine and then disappeared.

I sat on Julia's bed as she unpacked some of her belongings, they were only going to stay a few days and then be off again.

"So, tell me what's wrong?" She finally spoke not looking at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you, I can see that you're unhappy. Tell me why." Julia turned on her heels and put her hands on her hips to look at me.

"I'm fine." I lied, even though I knew it was no good when she kept stating me down. Walking lightly to the door, I closed it silently and sighed.

Stupid sisterly bond.

So I told her, I told her about Robb cheating on me, I told her that someone is threatening to kill everyone I love if I don't marry Robb, but most importantly, I told her how much I love Jon. How his brown eyes made my heart weak and his voice gave me butterflies. I told her that I didn't think I could live without him but I knew that I couldn't live without my sister either.

"I won't risk your life for my own happiness."

"You know, I live in a big castle with lots of guards. I think I'll be okay." She urged making me roll my eyes.

"You can't be unhappy for your whole life just because someone threatened you. Whoever it was or whomever is behind this will get over it eventually. Plus I have guards, I would be okay Selena."

"I can't risk it."

"Yes you can! True love is worth fighting for!"

"How could you possibly know what true love is?!"

" I don't, but I know that someday if I find it. I will never ever let it go!" Her blue eyes looked at me angrily. Maybe, just maybe she was right. I wouldn't let her know that though, she was to important to risk.

Our mother barged in not a moment later telling us that the Stark family was waiting in the dining hall to finish dinner. I completely forgot we were in the middle of a meal.

When we got there I took my seat next to my soon go be husband and watched Julia blush when she got to sit next to Bran. Surprisingly, I think I saw Bran blush to.

"It's wonderful to see you both again." Lady Stark said taking a sip of her drink.

"When is father coming back?" Arya questioned from down the table.

"Soon I believe, he is visiting the king. He will be here for Robb and Selena's wedding though, I know that."

"Good, can't have my own father missing my only wedding." Robb smiled down at me and I smiled back, the best I could. Since the day he was extremely nice and charming to me this has gotten a lot easier. I can stand to look at him now, but it's still, it's not what I want.

"How soon were you two going to try for children?" That was my mother. My wonderful, curious, and annoying mother.

"I suspect they're already trying." Lady Stark mentioned as I chocked on whatever it was I was chocking on. Chicken maybe?

Seriously? Children? Oh god, I never thought about that. I can't do this. I can't do this. Robb gently patted my back looking down at me worried. When I stopped dying, Robb came to the rescue.

"We haven't started trying and we haven't really talked about it. It'll happen when it happens." Good answer, good save. I think I peed a little.

Children, I should have known I'd have to have children with him. That's what they expect from us, little lord babies running around. I think I'm going to be sick.

"I think I'll go into town and get some fresh air."

"But you've hardly eaten." My mother protested, like a good little parent.

"Oh, she was shoving food into her mouth before you got here." Sansa scowled into her potatoes. I giggled as my sister gave her a dirty look, the girl tried to be scary but she was just to cute.

"Can I go?" She asked looking to her mother.

"Go on." My mother shooed her off making Julia happy. "I need to catch up with Catelyn anyways."

I must have looked puzzled because Robb grinned and whispered in my ear that is was his mothers first name.

Who knew satan had a first name?

No no I'm kidding. Kind of.

But not really.

We walked silently in town, watching all of the people rush around and the children play. I froze though, when I saw the one person that probably didn't want to see me either. Jon.

I hadn't spoken to him in a few days, no since he said we could figure this out when we both knew it was above us, to complicated to possible fix. He saw me to and turned to walk off.

Yep. Still angry. Guys are bipolar, he was fine when I saw him last.

"He looks upset, you should go talk to him." Julia inquired looking up at me.

"No. He doesn't want to talk to me."

"Yes he does, now go." She pushed me forward, or she tried at least. Skinny little girl.

"Okay, but stay right here or somewhere near here."

"Alright alright." Julia turned around and walked to a nearby clothing store.

I walked in the direction Jon had went, or I thought he had went. Going against my better judgement I walked down an abandoned alley way, thinking that he must have taken a short cut. But my thoughts were interrupted by a very hard object hitting the back of my head. Then everything went dark, again.

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