Secret Love

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I'd like to thank @Kiwimie for the new book cover, it's beautiful and you did a wonderful job. Sorry it took so long for this to be posted.


Jon's POV

It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and then stomped on. I walked away quickly from the girl of my dreams, at least, I thought she was. How could she do this to me? I thought she.. loved me. I'm naive like a small child. I fell in love with a girl who was to be wed to my own blood. I betrayed Robb, I betryaed my father, and for what? Selena to rip my heart to shreds like it was nothing. I kept walking, having no idea where I was going.

A branch snapped near by and someone hissed "shhhhh."

Curiousity got the best of me, so I stayed silent and crept forward.

"This spot is good." A husky voice said lowly. Taking a few steps closer I peered around a long limb only to see two people kissing. The girl looked a lot like Selena, long brown hair and fair skin. I could only see the man, who happened to be Robb. How did Selena get ahead of me?

Not wanting to let my heart break any farther, I turned and started to walk away but something made me turn back around. When Robb pushed Selena up against the tree, what I saw next made me wish I had just walked away.

"Oh Kira." Robbs voice rang out as I made my way home to try and figure out my next move.

Sitting in a chair I had put next to the fireplace I stared into the fire. Do I tell the girl who just ripped out my heart that her beloved finance was cheating on her? Would she even believe me? Probably not. I could confront Robb, tell him to cut it out. Who in the right mind would betray such a kind and beautiful girl.. Well maybe not kind. I thought bitterly pulling myself up from the comfortable chair. I must have been sitting there for awhile, my body ached from standing up.

I had to do something, I can't just sit here feeling sorry for myself.

Selenas POV

To say I felt horrible, was an understatement. The next morning I felt worse than the night before. My head pounded and my heart ached. I can't believe I broke Jon's heart. I'm sure he'll be fine though, he's probably already over me. I tried not to ponder the thought and I went into my dresser to find some clothes. Arya must have slipped out this morning, she was no where to be seen. Before I could decide on what I wanted to do today Lady Stark barged in and gave me a hollow smile.

"We need to go pick out dinner ware and flowers today, so wear something... proper." I nodded and rolled my eyes when she left. I decided on a brownish colored dress, It wasn't the prettiest, but it was comfortable and proper.

I brushed my fringe into a braid and put the rest of my hair in a bun. Slipping on a pair of shoes I left and was ascorted by a guard to where Lady Stark and Sansa stood waiting for me.

"Is Arya coming?" I asked standing in front of the two ladies.

"No, she has lessons today." And with that we walked into town, it was going to be a very very long day.

Every store I was shoved into had the most beautiful things, Sansa commented that everything looked like commoners merchantdise so we quickly left, every time. Finally at the last store I was allowed to look around. The items all looked overally expensive, which made Sansa and her mother happy.

"Mother! look at this!" I peered over to see a oddly shaped vase with strange designs on the side. I moved my attention to the many flowers on the shelves.

"Selena, dear, have you spoken to Jon lately?"

"No." I lied, turning my face so she couldn't see my bluff.

"Oh, well I regret to tell you that he has decided to become a nights watchmen." I chose not to say anything, but immediantly my heart started to pound. Was it my fault? Was he leaving Winterfell because of me?

"I'm sure he'll like it there."

"Yes, I believe the next departure to leave is the day of your wedding. It looks like he's going to miss out on everything." Her face looked as if she was upset, but her voice did not.

Jon's leaving.

He's leaving and once you take the oath.. you will never know the touch of a women again. My chances with Jon will the shattered forever. I guess that's good, no temptation.

"Selena!" An irritated Sansa barked.


"What do you think of this one?"

"It's pretty." I answered, I wasn't really looking or paying attention to what was happening. All I could think about was Jon leaving me, forever.

Later that night I decided I should go see Robb, my future husband. When I stopped at his door I knocked once, a muffled sound came from the inside. I waited longer before knocking again, what on earth is he doing?

A moment later a flustered looking Robb was staring at me with a bewildered looking face expression.

"Selena.. what are you doing here?"

"I thought we could spend some time together.. is this a bad time?" Something was going on here, I tried to look around Robb but his broad shoulders kept me from seeing anything.

"Oh I'm just... "

"Robby? Who's at the door?" A female voice asked from inside. I stared up at Robb with a blank expression before pushing him aside. A women with long brown hair that almost matched mine lay tangled up in Robbs sheets. Her already big eyes went wide with fear.

"Selena.. We were just.."

"Save it, you truly are a Lords son." I spat pushing my way out of the room. Typical Lord, takes any girl he can get. Has no respect for his wife or soon to be wife. That's how it is now days, the women is treated as if she doesn't matter. I always dreamed about marrying someone who would never do this to me. Someone who would always lay with me and not another women. Someone like Jon. My annoying brain whispered.

You know that feeling when something hurts so bad that your head starts spinning and your heart almost pounds out of your chest. I did not have that feeling, no tears left my eyes, and I felt just fine. I was a only disappointed in the fact that my husband to be was in fact, just like every Lord and King out there, never happy laying with only their wife.

Lord Stark passed me in the hallway, giving me a polite hello, and walking on. He must have noticed the sour look on my face because he stopped me before I could get to far away.

"Selena, Are you alright?"

I shrugged, not wanting to give away any distress signal.

"How about you and I have lunch logether tomorrow, I've been awfully rude by not checking in on you more."

A true smile slid it's way on to my face and I nodded eagerly. Lord Stark smiled back at me and went on his way.

I lay in my bed that night staring at the ceiling and trying not to think about what had been crossing my mind all day.

What was Jon doing, right now?


Hey guys, its been awhile since I updated and I'm really sorry. I've had writers block for this story for this story for awhile! Now I'm back and hopefully updates will be every Friday.

So in this chapter we find out that Robb is having an affair with a women named Kira, what so you guys think of that?

Are you team Robb or Jon?

Who do you want Selena to end up with? Do you want Robb to change his ways and them to be married for the rest of their lives? Or so you want her to be with her forbidden love Jon?

Comment and Vote please! :3

Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now