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This chapter is for my team Robb fans (: & when I was reading the comments someone wrote that Robb could be prince charming if he wanted to (or something like that) so that's where the inspiration of this chapter came from. Thank you guys!

Don't forget to comment and vote! But mostly comment, I love reading what you guys have to say. (;


Robb thinks that apologizing to me for sleeping around with another girl is going to make it all better, but it's not. I lied to him and told him I forgave him, but I don't. I'm not stupid, I know he'll do it again and again. In the middle of my angry thought battle someone knocked at my door. When I went to open it though, there was no one there, I was about to close it but for some reason I looked down and a small piece of partchment lay in front of me, picking it up and flipping it over I saw a note.
"Meet me in the garden, please."

There was no signature but my automatic thought was Jon, it's been a few days since the hallways insident maybe he wanted to talk. Not thinking it threw I started off towards the garden, wondering what I would say to him when I saw him.

I ran into the garden, my hair flying everywhere including in my face. I bent down to catch my breath, I glanced up at Jon through my hair and started walking towards him. But instead of seeing Jon, Robb was standing there with a bouquet of daisies. My favorite flower. Still my heart sank and I wanted to cry right on the spot.

"What.." My voice trailed off but Robb cut me off.

"Shhh" He walked in front of me and stared down at me with his dark blue hopeful eyes. "I know I keep messing up, I know you shouldn't forgive me or trust me ever again. But I promise you, from this day forward, I will love you and cherish you, I will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, and I will never hurt you again. I'm not asking for forgiveness Selena, I'm just asking for a chance to show you that I can be the prince charming you've always wanted."

Speechless, I couldn't decide if I wanted to run to Robb or run away from him. Could this be a trap? Was he tricking me into falling for him? Was this some kind of cruel sick joke?

"Where is all this coming from?" I finally asked, this was not the answer he was expecting because his face automatically fell.

"We're going to be married soon, I don't want you to be miserable on your wedding day. Plus, you're so beautiful when you're happy." My face turned a deep shade of pink and I took the flowers that he was handing to me.

"Shall we?" Robb extended his arm to me and gestured for me to take it. I did as he wanted and let him lead me off in a different direction.

He lead me to the stables and told me to wait outside of it. Robb came out with a painted horse and a huge smile on his face.

"This is Lily, she's my favorite horse." I smiled to, I loved this side of Robb already, he was so sweet and kind of adorable. In the back of my mind I thought about Jon, but only for a split second. I could get over him, if Robb treated me like this forever, I could learn to love him.

"Hello Lily." I cooed gently petting her nose, she warmed right up to me and Robb helped me sit on top of her. He climbed on next and then we were riding off somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I said leaning closer to Robbs ear so he could hear me. My arms were wrapped tightly around his waist to steady myself and so I wouldn't fall.

"I figured you could see the land that I grew up in." Closing my eyes I let the wind hit my face and blow my hair back. It was truly exhilarating being on such a majestic creature going at this speed. Robb finally slowed down and started pointing things out to me, like where he played in the river.

"And that's where Jon and I used to play knights.." He grew quiet, I wasn't sure exactly what was wrong, but I had an idea.

"Have Jon and you always been close?"

Robb put the horse into an even slower pace as we talked, "Yes. Up until we both became adults and father started teaching me how to became a lord and how to rule the people of Winterfell, now we're two different people with nothing in common."

"Well that's not true." Robb glanced at me and gave me a strange look so I continued on as he helped me off the horse.

"You both love your family more than anything, you would both make great leaders, and you both smell awful." Robb nodded along to my comments until the last one, I started giggling and ran off away from him as he chased me.

"Come back here!" He laughed catching up to me, we both tummbled to the group, Robb lay on top of my small figure and I stared up at him. Completely amazed by the fact that he could be a totally different person. Why couldn't I have seen this part before? Maybe I wouldn't have fallin in love with Jon. Maybe everything would have turned out different.

"I truly am sorry I hurt you Selena." He whispered never breaking eye contact.

"I know." I said lightly, if only he knew that he didn't really hurt me, he just betrayed me and disrespected me in a way. Maybe I could get over that though, people make mistakes. Robb leaned down closer to my face and brushed his lips against mine. Before he could pull away I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.


No Ones POV

As Robb and Selena shared a passionate kiss, someone watched from the shadows. Lurking behind a tree not to far from their horse and laying spot. The cold wind whipped against her face as she stared at the two lovebirds.

"Enjoy it while it lasts Selena, soon your world will come crashing down around you." Her voice was quiet as she slipped away into the forest. Her heart filled with anger and hate for the young Ravenswood girl. Her plans brewing within her mind as she ran back into the town of Winterfell to start her plan into action. Nothing was going to stop her and no one was going to see it coming.


I'm sorry the chapter is short, but I wanted to make the Friday update so I wrote it on a holiday with my family around.. as they judged me.. for smiling like an idiot at the Robb and Selena cuteness.. FOR NARNIA! Sorry. :I

Happy holidays everyone!!

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