Let It Rain

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Thank you for reading, this chapter is slightly short but I didn't want to leave you all with a cliffhanger. I'm sorry. :3 vote! Comment! Befriend me! 💚


Lord Stark stood staring at Robb intensely. He interrupted the wedding, I'm hoping for a really good reason.

"Catelyn.." He trailed off as she stood up quickly, a puzzled look on her face. "Robb." He continued looking to his oldest son next. "I know what the two of you did." Their faces were horrified, but I just stood confused, not sure exactly what was happening.

"I'm sorry everyone, but this wedding isn't going to happen."

"What's going on?" I ask looking to the man next to me.

"Selena I'm so sorry." Robb looked genuinely upset, as his father approached us. My mother and sister followed in suit. The crowd muttered among themselves, what is happening right now?

"Catelyn, I love you, but why?" Lord Stark muttered, looking down at his distressed wife.

"I wanted our son to be happy, but when I saw how her and Jon acted together. I knew we had to do something, I'm so sorry." she whispered the last part, looking over at her son.

"Selena, the second I saw you I knew I had to have you, I'm so sorry, I never would have hurt your family." Robb tried, regret and sadness filled his pale face.

"I thought she was in on this... But you?" I shook with anger. "I trusted you." I hissed staring at the man I almost married. He plotted against me, how could he?

"Selena I know this is a lot to handle, but if you want to catch Jon before he reaches the wall, you must go." Lord Stark said urgently avoiding his wife and sons gaze.

"But it's to late?"

"No, they actually just left a few hours ago."

"But Arya-"

"Mother told me he was gone!" She protested, looking wide eyed from me to her mother.

"I lied." Lady Stark whispered turning her head away from her youngest daughter.

My heart skipped a beat, I looked to my mother, who stared at me with disapproval. Then to my sister who smiled, silently urging me to go.

"Please don't go, I love you, I can give you a wonderful life, anything you'd ever desire. Please, don't leave me. Marry me." Robb tried to convince me, I stared at him with a blank expression, quietly surprised at how sorry I was feeling for him. Then I remembered he threatened my sister, even if it was an empty threat, I won't forgive that so easily.

"You can't manipulate people to get what you want, I love Jon." I confessed out loud, earning a few gasps from the audience.

"But I'm better than him." He almost whined.

I rolled my eyes at his ignorance "well, maybe Kira will take you back." I snapped, looking away from him. You both can be crazy together.

Hugging Lord Stark, I thanked him before taking off on my journey. I ignored my mothers gasp and the whispers from the crowd, they no longer had smiles on their faces but I didn't care.

I had to get to him before it's to late.


Still in my wedding dress, I borrowed or mostly stole a black horse from the stables and quickly took off to get to Jon. The dress blew in the wind, I was almost afraid it would tear but I reminded myself it didn't matter, I wouldn't be wearing it again. Unfortunately it started to pour, I couldn't see the road anymore and when I looked back I could barely see the Stark castle either. My dress was soaked, along with the rest of my body but I held onto the horse tightly, hoping not to fall off.

After awhile of riding and the rain letting up a little bit, I saw them. A large group of men traveling together, a lot of them were in wall guard uniforms.

"Jon!" I yelled, wanting him to hear me. No one turned around so I shouted again, this time gaining the attention of someone in the back. Stopping the horse, I got off and ran towards the one person I had wanted for months now. The one person I knew I couldn't live without any longer.

"Jon!" I shouted again as he walked towards the front of the group and to closer to me. Someone must have told him there was a crazy girl in a dress screaming for him.

"Selena?" I heard through the rain, mud covered my feet and the edges of the once beautiful white dress but I didn't care.

I needed him.

When I reached him, I froze, what if he really doesn't love me? What if I'm to late and he's made up his mind?

"What are you doing here?" He asked, water dripping onto his face. We stood a good 10 feet from the other men, my face flushed in embarrassment.

"I didn't marry Robb."

"You didn't? Why?" He was so confused, poor man.

"Because I love someone else." He didn't say anything, but scratched the back of his head instead. Glancing at the people behind him and then back to me.

"I love you." I said quietly, stepping towards him, refusing to actually look up.

"Selena, I'm heading to the wall, when I take my vow I won't.." He paused "I can't be with you." He whispered the last part. My heart shattered at that moment, the rain starting getting heavier and I finally looked up at him.

"I want to be with you Jon, I never meant to hurt you. I thought my family was in danger but they're going to be fine. I love you, I've loved you since I met you and I'm so sorry I never got to tell you. Enjoy the wall Jon, you deserve to be happy." My voice cracked at the end, We both pretended not to notice as I picked up the hems of my dress, walking back to horse. Tears fell from my eyes and mixed with the rain. He was letting me go.

I mounted my horse without looking back at the group and raced back to the castle, I wanted to sit in the rain and cry but I urged myself to keep going.

I was to late, I should have went with him when I had a chance, but I can't fix it now. So let it rain, he doesn't love me anymore.


Dun dun dun


And don't hate me. Vote and comment, I love reading your comments.💜💜

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