Bipolar like winter

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It's been 2 weeks time since I've been here, Robb spends a lot of time with me now and Jon hasn't spoken, looked at me, or stood near me since the library. It's safe to say, I'm being avoided. It's most likely for the best, I'm going to marry Robb, I don't need to worry about some stupid boy who made my heart leap a couple times.

"Ah, Arya." I mummbled as I bumped into her in the hallway.  

"Oh hello." she smiled up at me. She was probably my favorite of the girls. Sansa was to girly for my taste.  

"What are doing?" She was up to something. She had that look. 


"Arya." I said sternly.  

"Promise not to tell." She whined  


"Jon is going to take Bran and I horse back riding!" Arya squealed and did this little jump. "Come with me" She finished.  Before I could say anything she was pulling me along with her outside and into the edge of the woods.  

" Selena" Jon breathed out when he saw me. Looking into his eyes, I knew he didn't want me here. 

"She dragged me along, I'm sorry. I'll go." I sent a small smile to Bran and began to walk away.

I heard Bran yelling at Jon, and then A hand grasped my arm and turned me around. 

"Hey," He grabbed my pale wrist and spun me around. Our eyes met in an instant and my heart race quickened. 

"Stay or Bran will never let me hear the end of it." he laughed  

"And?" My lips puckered out making a face at him,

"And I want you too." He whispered the last part before he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with me.  

Arya glanced down at our hands and gave me a look. I let go and stood next to her blushing. Jon showed and explained how to ride a horse to Bran, and just before Bran was going to talk off Robb appeared looking rather angry. 

"What do you think you're doing?" He hissed to Jon and all of our smiles faded. "You could get Bran hurt or Arya" His eyes landed on me and they widened "Or my fiance." 

Cringing I shook my head " I think Bran is in perfectly capable hands Robb, you need to calm down." 

Before anyone could register what was happening Robbs hand made contact with my face, a loud slap echoed through the forest. Tears slid down my face and my head was turned to the side, to where my hair was covering my face. Arya quickly was at my side hugging me, Bran jumped off his horse and came to me as well as if he would protect me from his brother if he decided to come my way again. Jon on the other hand stood his ground "Do you feel better now?" He questioned to his brother "Now that you've hurt a beautiful women?"

I stiffened and my face turned red, did he just call me beautiful? 

"She is not yours to call beautiful" Robb barked stomping over to him and pushing him.

"She's not yours to slap!" He yelled back, gaining his footing and pushing his older brother back.

"Stop it!" I screamed my voice echoing through the forest along with Arya and Brans whimpers. 

I walked up and pushed them both apart. Hurt was in both of their eyes, "You two are brothers, whether you" I poked Robb in the chest " like it or not so stop fighting. It's ridiculous."  

Jon smiled a little bit at me, giving me goose bumps.

"Just stay away from my fiance." Robb spat grabbing my hand and pulling me away. I looked back at all three of the people standing there. Out of all of them, I thought Jon looked the saddest. But it was probably my imagination, or he was just sad that his brother is being so hateful. That was probably it. When we were out of sight from them I jerked myself away from the monster of a man in front of me.  

"Don't touch me." 

"Selena I'm sorry. I was just so mad and Jon made me mad I just-" I cut him off really quickly anger surged through my body.

"I don't care, You slapped me in the face Robb!"  That's unacceptable, I'm suppose to marry this man.

"I know my love, I am sorry." He whispered taking my hand and lightly tugging me forward; I reluctantly let him.

"Forgive me?" He questioned, Giving me the sorry look.

Jons POV

I watched them walk away, mentally scolding myself for doing so. A pain entered my heart when they touched. I didn't understand why. 

"So when are you going to steal her away?" Bran asked innocently up at me and Arya stood waiting for the answer.  

"Excuse me?" I coughed out, on nothing, except air.  

"You love her don't you? so be her prince charming and save her from the evil beast!"  

"What are you even talking about anymore?" Arya asked puzzled at Bran causing me to smile a little bit.

"So wait, Is Robb the evil beast?" I asked scratching the back of my neck 

"yes! and no, he's not evil, Just the wrong person for my Selena." Arya stated happily

"And who's the right person?" 

"YOU!" they rolled their eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"You two are crazy, We don't have a secret love, we're barely friends. She's marrying Robb for crying out loud and I'm going to the wall soon, I'm not even sure when! It might even be on their wedding day!" I had decided to go there a very long time ago. some girl isn't going to change my mind about who I want to be.

"You said yourself she's beautiful, I see the way you two look at each other and my mother says people who are meant to be together have a special connection that you can see in their eyes." 

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the two of them. "Who else thinks or knows you two think this?"  

"Just us, don't worry, we won't tell." Arya smirked giving me a pat on the back before trying to get on the horse "Hey no fair I didn't get to finish my turn!" Bran yelled running over to her.  

They were both so young and naive. Selena and I don't like each other.



Sorry for the long wait! I'll update more often now! Comment and vote? (: Byyyeee

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