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"Selena? Let's talk for a second shall we?" Lady Stark pulled me to the side as the rest of them waited for the food tasting to start, I myself was starving and couldn't wait to stuff myself. 

"Yes?" I asked sweetly looking up at her, she was beautfiul especially for her age. I hope I was like that someday. 

"What you did back there for that little boy was an outrage." She quietly barked keeping a straight face. 

"Excuse me?" I whispered staring at her. Wondering what the heck was going on. 

"Someday, you are going to be wife to the lord of winterfell. You can't go running around saving people who have done wrong, they will start to think it's okay to steal. Everything will be out of order. You must control yourself Selena Mae Ravenwood. Or you will live to regret it." Lady Stark quietly walked away back to her family. I on the other hand stood dumb founded. I would live to regret it? I saved a little boy from being harmed over an apple. A stupid delicious fruit. If that's how the wife of a lord acts, quiet and strict. Then maybe I don't want to be one, I never asked for this, my father is a sweet and giving lord. Always does the right thing for his people, he just never did the right thing for his daughters. My sister Julia and I were always cast aside, we learned at a young age that you must always do what's right and follow your heart, our mother taught us that and I will live by it forever, even if it upsets the Starks. 

After our little 'chat' I took my place next to Robb, who glanced down at me, I felt his finger tips graze mine causing me to blush a little. I don't know why, but he acted like he needed permission to touch me, as if I had a choice. Lady Starks gaze burned into the side of my face, she was like a hawk stalking her prey.  

Robb intertwined his fingers with mine sencing my uncomforablness.  

Why was she acting like this? because I did something without her permission? I don't understand, I thought she was a sweet women.  

After the taste testing was over, I thought my stomach was going to explode from to much food.  

"Remember what Welma said." Sansa mocked walking by me. I rolled my eyes in reply and walked slower so I didn't have to see that red head any longer. We all parted our ways in town, Robb gave me a swift kiss on the forehead and then truged off.Glancing around I saw everyone staring at me whispering. "My lady." A voice came from behind me, Theon stood smiling down at me,  

"What?" I politly asked, well, as much as I could.  

"Lord Stark would like a word with you. Alone." Oh no, what had I done? 


I have nothing against Lady Stark! She's just an over protective mother in my story. (: For now... mwhaha. Okay sorry. Votteeee & Comment. Thanks (: 

I know this chapter is horrible. :( Bare with me some more! I love you allllllll. :3

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