12- Atom

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I gingerly sip out of Bellamy's water container. The three of us had taken a second to take in our surroundings and remember which way was camp. Charlotte said she had a pretty good idea of which way we had to go and walked a little that way to make sure. I had the water back to Bellamy with a hint of a smile.

"Thanks." I say.

Bellamy barely smiles back as he lifts the water to his own lips to take a sip.

"You should know that by the time we get back to camp, I'll probably hate you again." I tell him, kicking a small rock with the toe of my boot.

Bellamy raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You're more of an asshole when your friends are around, like you have to show everyone that you're a leader by being the biggest jerk ever. Clearly, you aren't that way because you saved Charlotte last night and you saved me. The girl who is Jasper's twin, the boy who is severly injured and you threaten to kill everyday." I tell him, studying his face to see how he reacts to my observations of him.

He remains silent for a second. Our eyes are locked, almost like we are trying to see who is stronger. Bellamy breaks our eye contact by darting his eyes to the ground. "They're not my friends." He states.

"Yet, you feel the need to show them that you are the leader." I point out.

Bellamy takes a step closer. "I do that to show them that I'm in charge. If being a leader was put in someone else's hands, we'd all be dead within a day."

I square my shoulders back. "What if I was in charge?"

Bellamy's eyes slowly trail down my body and back up. "You couldn't handle it. You're weak." He pokes my upper arm. "You wouldn't stand a chance against those boys. The only thing strong about you is your temper when you're angry."

I narrow my eyes. Everyone assumes I'm weak because I've been locked in a cell for my whole life. They don't know the kind of workouts I put myself through every day. They don't know how strong I actually am.

I glare back at Bellamy, not giving him any warning when I pull my fist back to punch his stupid face. He barely has a chance to duck away. My fists skims past his face by a centimeter. Bellamy's eyes widen when he realizes what I just tried to do, but he's quickly distracted when I go in for another punch.

Bellamy's arm pops up to block my arm. With him distracted on my arm, I kick my foot up to hit him in the stomach. The force has his stumbling backwards. His eyes hold darkness and almost a bit of playfulness as he pops his neck before raising his fist up to fight back. A smirk slides on my face as I do the same thing.

His long index finger motions in the air for me to make the first move. He's trying to predict my first move. By the way I'll move my feet, he'll be able to at least guess what I'm about to do.

Fine. I'll let him think he can predict my moves. Well, my first few anyways. I step closer to him with my fist flying towards him. He effortlessly blocks it. This time, he punches through the air, but I easily block it like he did. Instead of going for his face, I aim for his stomach, which surprises him and I make contact.

I grin, proudly.

Bellamy brings his hands back up into position. My hand slices through the air until his hands wrap around my waist, forcing me to spin. My back slams into his chest. Our chests raise up and down in sync, except his is pressed to my back. I quickly take in the position I'm in to figure out my next move. His arm is pressed tightly to my chest to keep me against him with my movement limited.

I can feel the smooth skin of his arm beneath my fingers. There's no way I am strong enough to flip my over my shoulder. Quickly, I slam the back of my elbow into his stomach. Bellamy groans at the pain, yet his grip on me doesn't loosen. He's expecting me to use my arms.

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