Chapter One: The Breakup

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"Hey, Michael, can we talk?" Lindsey asked me. I stopped petting Mavrick, my pit bull Labrador mix. I tilted my head back from my spot on the couch to see her standing right there. I smiled and nodded.
"What's up?" I asked her. She sighed and got comfortable next to me.
"I wanted to talk to you about a job offer I got. It's a really good offer. And I really want to take it," She told me.
"Really? That's great! But what about RoosterTeeth? And who's this offer with?" I asked her. Lindsey sighed and took my hands in hers.
"That's the thing. If I take the job, I'm gonna have to leave RoosterTeeth. But I'll get about quadruple what I get at RoosterTeeth and it's a great opportunity," Lindsey told me. I nodded slowly.
"Okay, so who's it with?" I asked her. She seemed to be avoiding the question.
She hesitated for a moment. She looked down and sighed.
"Michael, if I take this job... I'm gonna have to move to California," She told me. I could literally feel my heart drop. California? Why all the way there?
"But, as I said it's a great opportunity and I really want to take it. And I'd really like to have my amazing Jersey boyfriend along with me," She told me. I dropped her hands and looked at her for a second.
"But... Then I'd have to leave RoosterTeeth too. And Achievement Hunter. And I couldn't do that...," I said. I looked at her and I could see exactly what she was doing.
"Please, Michael. I really want you to be with me. I really love you and we could start a new life in California," Lindsey said. I shook my head as she was saying all of this.
"No. No, I'm sorry but I can't go to California. I can't leave Achievement Hunter, especially not since Ray left. We're down to five guys and who knows when Ray's replacement will come along?" I told her. I was starting to feel a bit angry. She knew I loved working at Achievement Hunter. Hell, it's my dream job! And now she was telling me to drop that and come to California with her? No way!
"But, Michael. I really want this job. It's a great opportunity. Please Mic-," I didn't let her finish.
"Look, I get it's a great opportunity. I get that you'll make more money. But, I can't leave. So if you want to take this job, then take it. But, I'm not coming," I told her. I stood up and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer, Mavrick following closely behind me. Lindsey walked over to me and slapped the beer out of my hand. The bottle shattered on the floor. Mavrick jumped back and hid in our bedroom.
"What the hell are you doing? You scared Mavrick and that dog isn't scared of anything!" I growled at her. She simply turned to me slowly and stepped over the glass and beer.
"You do realize that if I take the job, then we'll have to do long distance. And you and I both know how badly that will turn out for us," Lindsey told me. I shrugged and and looked her in the eyes. I couldn't believe what I was about to do.
"Then maybe we shouldn't even try," I told her. Lindsey looked at me, confused.
"What?" She asked venomously.
"Maybe... Maybe we should just end it right here. Right now. You take that job and I'll stay right here in Austin. I'll live my life and you live yours. The only difference is... Get this. We won't be together," I told her. She scoffed at me and threw her hands out.
"Fine. I'll go and become famous. You stay here and continue making stupid Let's Plays. It's only a matter of time before your silly little Let's Plays get boring," She yelled at me. I laughed a bit at what she just said.
"You know, the funny thing is, I'm already famous. You go do that. I'll watch you rise in popularity from a distance. But, just know, those silly little Let's Plays are only getting more popular," I told her and began walking back to the couch to resume my spot. But before I could get very far she said something that made me stop dead.
"I know why you don't want to go. You don't want to go because your little sweet Gavin won't be there with you to tell you how amazing and sexy you are when you rage," Lindsey said. That's what made me stop. Gavin? I don't have feelings for that idiot. But just the fact that Lindsey suspects I do gives me the kick to leave the apartment until she leaves, away from me.
"You know what. You're right! I don't want to go because I've got a great friend down here that I wouldn't give up for anybody in the entire world, not even you. So thank you for making me realize that I love my friends more than any woman I decide to date," I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Lindsey watched me with crossed arms.
"I hope you're happy," I told her before walking out the door.

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