Chapter Twenty-Four: Doing Drugs

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Gavin's POV:

I rubbed my eyes when I looked up from my packing. It was going on midnight and I was only halfway done. God, I was the slowest packer ever.
I began running over possible ideas for Michael and my date. So far, all I got was dinner. I wasn't the greatest with planning dates, partly because I've only been on three in my entire life.
I sighed and looked over at me phone, which just lit up with a text. I smiled slightly and picked it up, glad for a distraction from the packing.
My smile grew when I realized it was my brother.

So, you're coming to England?

Yep! Can't wait to see you Twinny.

You haven't called me that since grade school.

Oi! Who cares? I came up with it. It's cool.

I guess you don't understand cool.

I guess you don't understand how to shut up.

You pleb. Anyway, I'll see you at the party. Can't wait to see you. I've missed you a lot.

Me too.

He stopped texting me after that. I smiled, even though the conversation lasted about five minutes. Any bit of conversation I had with my brother was good enough for me.
The conversation gave me a boost to finish packing and by twelve thirty I had finished. Or at least finished what I could.
I crawled into bed, exhausted, and looked at my phone. I decided to check Twitter before going to sleep. I looked through the random posts and read through some of the comments on my posts.
I suddenly came across a post of Michael and some girl.
Barbara had told me about Michael's sister returning. I didn't get a chance to see her before Michael left with her. So now, looking at her, I couldn't help but wonder if this is what Michael remembered from her or what. She looked like a stripper, to be honest.
I sighed and texted Michael a quick but adorable good night text before shutting my phone off and going to sleep.

~ The Next Day ~

I walked into the office, wringing my hands for the third time. I saw the guys chatting and laughing like usual. I looked over to Michael's desk and saw a girl, Michelle, sitting next to him, beaming at Michael.
I bit my lip and walked slowly over to Michael.
"I remember one of my friends showing me one of your Rage Quit videos and I couldn't believe that that was you," Michelle giggled. Michael shrugged and smiled. His eyes flicked up to me for a moment before locking with mine. His smile grew wider, causing Michelle to look up.
"I guess I should introduce this dip shit. This is Gavin. Gavin this is Michelle," Michael introduced us.
I stuck my hand out politely. Michelle looked at it for a moment before pushing it away and hugging me.
"Gavin, we're basically family now! Don't you dare shake my hand. You're worthy of a hug," Michelle giggled during the hug. I looked over at Michael and gave him a confused look. His cheeks were tinted pink and he smiled a little bit.
Michelle pulled back and smiled at me.
"Michael's one lucky guy. If he wasn't dating you, I'd be dating you," Michelle winked, causing me to blush, and went to stand next to Michael.
"Nice to meet you, too," I muttered, speaking for the first time since I walked in.
Michelle squealed slightly at my voice. I got that sometimes with my accent.
"Um, anyway, Mi-cool, I need to talk to you," I told Michael. Michael's eyes shot up and he nodded.
Michael and I left the office. We started walking down the hallways chatting quietly. My hand brushed Michael's a few times so I grabbed it and squeezed it gently, receiving a smile from Michael.
"So, I need to ask you something, Mi-cool," I started, stopping at the end of a hallway. I grabbed Michael other hand and swung them back and forth childishly,
"Shoot," Michael muttered.
"Would you want to go out with me tonight?" I blushed when I asked him.
"Sure, but what's the occasion?" Michael asked me.
"Just cause, I guess," I smiled. Michael smiled too and pulled me into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips sweetly. I kissed back immediately and rested my arms around his shoulders.
Tonight was gonna be great.

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