Chapter Twenty-One: Gavin's Flash To The Past

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Gavin's POV:

I walked into the office holding Michael's hand. I checked my phone again, not believing today is the day that I've been dreading my entire life.
Before I left England, my dad told my  twin brother and I that he wanted us to take over the family business when he turned fifty. I had refused since I didn't like the business stuff that he ran and when I was offered a full time job at RoosterTeeth, I wasn't about to turn it down. My dad had gotten so upset with me that he basically kicked me out and told me never to return. His words still scarred me...

~ Flashback ~

"Hey, dad, can I talk to you?" I asked my dad.
"Of course. What do you need?" My dad asked me.
"Well, I was offered a job and I really want to take it," I started.
"That's great! Where is it?" My dad turned to me smiling.
"In... America," I said slowly.
I saw my dad's eyes widen and a scowl appear on his face.
"Well then, it's probably a dead end job. Every American job is," My dad growled at me.
"But, I'd be doing something I love!" I argued.
My dad just shook his head and waved me off.
"Get Gavin. We aren't discussing this," He told me.
"I'm twenty-two dad! I should be able to make my own decisions," I yelled at him.
"Gavin, go. You aren't taking the job," My dad growled as he turned in his chair.
"This isn't fair! You always told us that you wanted to watch us do our own things. This is what I'm doing and you won't let me!" I argued.
"Gavin, do you know what you're gonna do once you get there? You don't have any money and how do you know this job will give you enough. America's different than England. And us Free's, we haven't ever left England for good, and we shouldn't. We're English, and that's that," My dad told me. I shook my head.
"Then maybe I should change it," I growled rebelliously.
His eyes widened so I could see the whites of his eyes. I could see the anger radiating off him in waves. I gulped, already knowing what I had started.
I didn't think I'd get a punishment like this though.
"Fine, you go. But don't you come crying to me when it doesn't work out. I always knew you were worthless. I don't need you though, you're brother will do fine on his own. Now, get out of my sight. And don't you dare think that you're allowed to stay here still. From this moment on, you're dead to me, Gavin Free. Dead," My dad growled at me.
I widened my eyes at what he said, but he just sat down again and pointed to the door.
I shuffled out of the room. My mother and brother looked at me with confused and concerned faces.
"Dad, just kicked me out."

~ End of Flashback ~

Everytime I go to England, my mom tells me my dad has gone on a business trip, or he's taken George to learn about business stuff. I know he only leaves so he doesn't have to see me.
I felt Michael tug a little on my hand and I realized I kinda stopped in the middle of the doorway.
"You okay?" Michael asked me.
I blinked and looked at him. I started walking again, Michael looking at me, confused.
"I'm fine, just thinking," I told him.
Michael smiled and nodded pulling a little on my hand again. I smiled back and followed him through the hallways of the buildings.
I noticed Michael wasn't acting the same either. His grip on my hand kinda proved that. He was way more tense then he usually was. He also looked a little sleep deprived as well, like he hadn't gotten all the sleep he should've.
Although... Last night kinda gave me an idea of what was going on. I mean, the first time I saw Michael actually cry from being so terrified was last night. And it took quite a bit to make him cry, so obviously it was serious.
Now, he was acting like last night never happened. He refused to tell me what made him so upset and I didn't pressure him.
Michael led me into the AH office. The guys smiled at us when we walked in and started cracking jokes. I noticed Jack in the middle of an AHWU so I released Michael's hand so the camera wouldn't catch it.
Geoff beckoned me over and I walked over to him instead of following Michael to our desks.
"You and Ray gotta do some things for X-Ray and Vav. The crews waiting for you in the studio," Geoff told me.
"Bollocks. Okay, I guess I'll be back in a couple hours," I told him. Geoff nodded and pointed to Michael, who I caught giving us a glance.
I smiled and walked over to him. I made sure Jack gave me an all clear signal before pressing my lips against Michael's cheek. I let my arms travel down his chest and settle on it. I nuzzled into his neck and felt his hand come up and brush my hair gently.
"I'll be back in a couple hours," I purred gently into his ear. Michael hummed in acknowledgement and I pulled away after giving him one last kiss.
I left the office, instantly feeling empty. Only Michael had that effect on me.
This is gonna be harder than I thought...

I laughed at myself as I fucked up the recording again. Ray and the others laughed as well but we quickly got back on track.
Not even a minute after my fuck up, someone burst into the studio. That's strange. People knew not to come into the studio during a recording unless they wanted a bunch of pissed off people on their tails.
"Gavin. You need to go back to the AH office. Michael he... Had a little break down," The intern told me.
I instantly threw off my headphones and ran out of the room. Ray followed behind me shouting something about never letting Vav go anywhere by himself.
I quickly ran up the stairs that led to the AH office. All that ran through my head was Michael having another sob session. Alone.
I burst into the AH office and looked around. He wasn't at his desk. Or on the couch. I looked up at the other guys and saw them looking over at one of the corners.
I looked over and saw Michael curled up in the corner. He had his head buried inside his hood and arms. I slowly approached him. I bent down and gently touched him.
He looked up at me, probably ready to cuss me out. But the moment he realized it was me, he pulled me into his arms and gripped me tightly. I gripped him just as tightly back and murmured soft words to him while he continued to cry.
"He's gonna kill me. He's gonna find me and kill me," Michael moaned out.
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked him.
Geoff and Jack pulled me back by the collar of my shirt. They pulled me over to Michael's computer where the comments to his latest Rage Quit were open. They pointed to one of the comments and I quickly read through it.

If he doesn't die from a heart attack first, I'll be the one to kill him.

I looked at the comment in confusion. We received threatening comments all the time on our videos. Michael would usually roll his eyes and laugh it off. I'd never seen him react like this to a threatening comment.
I looked at the guys in confusion and they just shrugged.
I returned to Michael and stroked his hair gently while he started to calm down. He started breathing deeper and his tears stopped, leaving me to clean off the ones that still stained his perfect skin. I kissed him gently and ran my fingers across his cheek.
"You okay?" I asked him gently. He shrugged.
"I don't know anymore," Michael groaned.
"Why did that scare you so much?" I asked him.
Michael looked up at me with an expression I'd never seen on him. It was fear mixed with a look of pain. The stranger thing was, he looked like he was a teenager again.
"Cause that commenter... Is my dad."
Ayo! Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you guys are enjoying this. Please leave some feedback, it'll be greatly appreciated. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope your enjoying!

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