Chapter Nine: Jesse and Molly

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Michael's POV:

We actually made it to New York by two. Jesse greeted us outside and we went inside the house with him and did a more formal greeting then.
Jesse was actually a really nice guy. He was a lot funnier in person and he seemed to be very laid back and easy going. And the even funnier thing was, he looked almost just like me. He had the same curly hair, almost the same color. He didn't have glasses but he still looked very much like me.
"Yeah, so my sister should be back any minute. School got out about ten minutes ago," Jesse told us.
"How old is she?" I asked, slightly surprised.
"Twelve," Jesse said. Wow... Okay then. I thought she was older.
"I mean, she's young but you'd probably mistake her for somebody in high school. She looks a lot older for her age," Jesse explained. I nodded and looked at Gavin for a second. He shrugged and we continued talking.
Suddenly, I saw something black waddle out of the doorway. I realized it was a dog when it came over to Jesse and stuck his head in his lap.
"Oh, yeah. And this is my dog, Duke," Jesse said. I couldn't help but notice the resemblance Duke had with Mavrick.
"Um, what dog is he?" I asked him. Jesse smiled and looked up at me.
"Labrador, Pit bull mix," Jesse told me. Mavrick was too...
"Wow, really? I have one too," I told him. Wow, that sounded really ridiculous.
"Nice. Hey, Molly's home," Jesse announced. I saw a car pull into the driveway and a man and girl get out of the car.
What I saw from Molly was not what I expected.
She was extremely skinny. Probably unhealthily skinny. She had longish, curly hair that looked the same color as Jesse's, except a little redder. She was wearing white skinny jeans, a sweater, and scarf. I guess it made sense, it was October and getting a lot colder here. She had a largish nose, like Gavin's. But what struck me was the facial expression she wore. It kinda looked broken. A girl as pretty as her shouldn't be making that expression. Okay, I probably just sounded like a pervert but she was very pretty.
I looked over at Gavin and noticed he was probably thinking the same exact thing.
They walked into the house and Jesse led Molly into the living room we were in. I waited for her to freak out like I expected but she literally stood there, with a straight face.
"You're Michael and Gavin, right?" She finally said after a few moments.
"Last time we checked," I told her. She nodded.
"Cool. I'm Molly," And she walked away. Wait, what just happened? I looked at Jesse and noticed he was thinking the same thing.
The man that got out of the car with Molly looked at us and smiled. We returned it and we shook hands with him.
"I'm Brent. Molly's new foster dad," He introduced himself.
"I'm Michael, and that's Gavin," I introduced ourselves. Gavin nodded and looked at me.
"Um, I apologize for what just happened. She's in kind of a depressed mood now. I'm sure if the circumstances were different she would've been happy to meet you," Brent explained. Gavin and I nodded and turned to Jesse. Jesse shrugged and led us to his room.

We woke up at around four in the morning. Everyone was getting around to leave for Austin. Brent and Molly were coming along to be sure Jesse was all settled in and stuff. Gavin looked half asleep when he loaded his things back in the car.
"Molly would you stop taking my controllers," Jesse told Molly. She was sat at the counter which her headphones around her neck.
"You won't have to worry about it anymore. You're gonna be hundreds of miles away anyway," Molly told him. Ouch, that's gonna hurt.
Jesse just rolled his eyes and took Molly's other poptart.
We walked outside at five. I noticed Gavin talking to Molly with his phone out. I eyed them for a while from where I stood by my car. He seemed to be trying to persuade her to do something. I watched her roll her eyes, huff, probably say some things but she eventually took his phone and typed something in.
Gavin came over to me and stood next to me. I raised my eyebrows at him and he just shrugged and showed me his phone. It was her number.
"You got her number? Even after she was rude to us?" I asked him. He sighed and looked down.
"She's depressed, Michael. You have to give her something," Gavin told me.
I wasn't really sure about Molly. I mean, yeah, she was depressed, but she didn't need to act so rude. If she was gonna act like that, than I'll act like that right back at her.

We stopped at a fast food place at around eight. We were in Pennsylvania. Brent, Gavin, and Jesse went around to order food and go to the bathroom, which left just Molly and me.
It was pretty awkward. We just sat there on our phones, not bothering to say a word. Suddenly, she put her phone down and started studying me. I gave her a look after a few seconds and put my phone down as well.
"Yes?" I asked her. She just shrugged and looked down.
"You know, you're my favorite Achievement Hunter," She muttered. I almost didn't catch what she said.
"Well, isn't that the whole reason why I came up?" I asked her. She sighed and lifted up her gaze.
"I guess it is, huh. I just thought you should know," She told me. I instantly felt guilt wave over me. She was just a little girl telling me that I was her favorite.
"You know... I've always been second favorite among the fans. Gavin's always been the favorite. It's nice to hear someone say they like me best," I told her. She smiled and looked at me.
"The first video I watched of RoosterTeeth was your Banjo Tooie full play," She told me. I smiled as I thought about it. I haven't done a part for it in a while.
"Really? I haven't done a part for it in a while," I told her. She nodded and looked over my shoulder before she picked up her phone again. I looked at her in confusion until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I looked up to see Gavin smiling down at me. I felt myself beginning to blush. What the hell? No! I don't like him!
Molly noticed my slight blush and she gave me a look. Gavin sat down next to me and pulled out his phone.
I suddenly got a text from some random number. I noticed Molly giving me a hard look, so I figured it was her.

What the hell was that all about?

Dammit. I gulped and looked at her. I looked down at my phone and started typing back to her.

It's nothing. Don't worry about it.

Obviously, it's not nothing or you wouldn't still be blushing.

God dammit, Molly. Your forcing me to admit feelings I'm not even sure I have.

Fuck. Why the hell did I say that? Molly smiled slightly and looked at Gavin and then me. It was a strange expression but it was a look none the less. The others finally came back with the food and we quickly ate up before heading back to the road.
Once again, a boring chapter. I apologize. Next chapter is gonna have lots of good stuff in it, I promise. I hoped you enjoyed and please leave feedback. If really appreciate it. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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